January, 2010 – Astrology at Work




January, 2010

By Karola CrawfordKarola Crawford



   Happy Birthday Aquarians.  You are an air sign born under the sign of brotherhood. Your symbol is the water bearer spilling out to mankind the life force and spiritual energy.  Friendships and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians and unswerving loyalty are given in return.  You have an eccentric temperament and can be downright stubborn at times with your determination.  At times it feels as though others are unreceptive and incapable of comprehending your ideas, and this makes you feel annoyed when you are not understood.  It is easy for you to stir up opposition from others, as your ideas are so different from the rest of society.  A dislike of hypocrisy in any form is prominent in you. 


Because Aquarius is an intellectual sign, those born under its influence relate to others on a mental level.  Though you frequently appear to be quite calm, your hidden anxiety can make you sick if you don’t deal with it correctly.  It is quite possible that you can exaggerate your problems, and your love of the beauty of nature can help with this. Your interest in and sympathy for human problems wins the respect and confidence of those about you.  You take your work very seriously and do best with an organization that attempts to bring about some ideals.  Others would describe you as a tireless worker.  You teach the lesson of detachment to others and you intuitively understand that your greatest awareness comes through motion and movement, as well as interaction of people from all walks of life.  Your “rolling stone” attitude teaches those around you to break their inflexible patterns and appreciate the beauties of life.  Your lesson to be learned is that of moving forward and not becoming fixated in unproductive experiences, even though letting go can be painful.  It might appear to those who are unaware of your process that you are ungrounded as you move from one experience to the next.  Actually, your process has the potential to revitalize every life that you touch by showing others where to let go.  Aquarius has the intuitive understanding that we must make the best use of our time by not holding on to the past and choosing the most positive experiences in the present. 


You teach others to break old, limited ways of thinking and open the doors to tomorrow.  In your mind all of us begin as equals, and as we live our lives, it is our behavior that allows us to keep or lose our rights.  If we build a good character by being honest, trustworthy and honorable, we will create a good situation for ourselves in this lifetime.  And if we want to change our life situation, our character is something that we are capable of refining through changing our behavior.


   This month allow higher influences to dominate your life and let go of stubborn attitudes by seeing the beauty in all of life.  Celebrate your uniqueness by travelling close to water and accept that special person in your life by acknowledging their enchanting influence on your inner being.


Pisces – If life is still hammering at you in unwelcome ways, don’t resist.  You are being shown new ways that will allow the positive influences to take over your life.


Aries – Mid month the organizational structures will appear to be stuck and movement won’t happen until next month.  Rethink your plans carefully.


Taurus – Though you like to have your life be as predictable as possible, sudden changes beyond your control will force you to look at the past in brand new ways.  Consider it a present.


Gemini – You can begin thinking clearly again and changes that came about during the beginning of the month will now make sense as you move forward.


Cancer –It is time to gently rethink your past and remake yourself in the process.  The secrets are bursting out all around you and the past is catching up.


Leo – Charge your spirit with your physical energy and move forward.  This is a good time to move ahead in the New Year and you have momentum on your side.


Virgo –Confused thinking is catching up to you and now there is no turning back as major structures are affected.  Think clearly as you need to start over now.


Libra – Responsibilities and structures are in need of revamping.  Use this only as a time to rethink these areas.  Action will come much later.


Scorpio – Your organization ability is great right now and you have the ability to make positive changes.  Take advantage of this time.


Sagittarius – Sudden changes are being replaced by a deep spiritual connection to others.  Trust your intuition.  Water is your friend.


Capricorn – You have the ability to make big things happen if you translate your inspiration into motion.  Think big.


Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at www.karolacrawford.com.