January, 2010 – Resolution #1 – Manifest Happiness


Lighten Up with Lisa


Resolution #1 – Manifest Happiness


Lightworker Lisa
Lightworker Lisa

By Lisa Dawn Wax


“The time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”    Anais Nin


Happy New Year everyone! Congratulations! You made it through another year.  Now is the time to leave last year in the past and focus on today.  It’s time for the New Year ritual of writing resolutions; things that you will change, improve, and/or accomplish this year.  First on your list should be to manifest your own happiness.  So, I’m going to use some hardcore, nitty-gritty coaching tools to give you direction and focus so that you can take the risk to blossom and successfully achieve your goals. Think of it as Lightworker Lisa’s Boot Camp for Happiness as I ignite the light in your life.


The first step to manifest your dreams is to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY!


Answer honestly:  Are you your own worst enemy???  Stop self-defeating thoughts and actions immediately.  When you catch yourself thinking or doing something that is not in alignment with your desires STOP and say, “I deserve to be happy.” Say it again and again until you believe it. Then with that thought in mind you can proceed to the next steps.


The second step is to be clear on what you really want. Sometimes this is easier said than done. In order to focus on that which you really want, think about what excites you and what makes you smile. Pay more attention to your feelings. If it feels good… roll with it.  If it doesn’t feel good, put on your list as something to change or eradicate. Also think about what’s important to you right now and what outcomes you would like to see or what unmet needs require fulfillment?  The more truthful you are with your answers the better you will be at determining your goal.


Once you’ve established your goal, then ponder and clarify your reality of the current situation. Is what you’re thinking and feeling really true?  Is there any possibility that it might not be true?  Is what you want doable?   Don’t try to lose too much weight too soon or expect to make too much money overnight. Cliché or not: Rome wasn’t built in a day and even God rested on the 7th day. In other words, don’t set yourself up to fail.


The fourth step is to uncover your options. This is where lists again come in handy. If you had more money, more time or more choices, what would you do differently or how would you do it better?  What magic would you create if you were Harry Potter with a magic wand?  Examine alternatives to what isn’t currently working and identify which option is your best choice. Then visualize already having successfully achieved your desired outcome to fuel your enthusiasm.


The last step is to establish your willingness to achieve your success. On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this plan? If you’re not at 10, what would it take to get you there?  Try not to let fear get in your way and hold you back. (Remember step #1 – Get out of your own way.) Next, determine your game plan? Put it down on paper with little boxes to check off as you complete the steps. You can include a timeline in your game plan, but allow room for flexibility. The most important part of the timeline should be your START DATE. Try to avoid deadlines that may be counterproductive to your success of reaching your goal at the right time. If obstacles pop up as they usually do, figure out what else you need to do to successfully complete your mission. 


Throughout this 5-step process keep in mind, “There are no problems, only solutions!”  That being said should Murphy’s Law rear its ugly head, be sure to have a support system in place. You might be able to handle small tasks on your own, but for the more challenging resolutions be sure to have friends and family who will encourage and support your efforts. In my September column, I talked about “No man is an island.” This is especially important when undertaking new projects. As an individual you must find the courage to believe that you can have what your soul really wants.  You must be proactive, committed and willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams happen. However don’t rely exclusively on your own ideas and energy. Be open to feedback and support from those who love and care about you and don’t hesitate to reach out to others or accept help that is willingly offered. 


Ultimately, after you have followed the steps above, let go of the end result, and have faith that the highest and best outcome will occur. 


At the end of the day there are three types of people:


Those who MAKE things happen-

Those who WATCH things happen-

And those who sit around wondering what the heck happened!


As you start 2010 make a commitment to which type of person you want to be.


Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.


Lisa Dawn Wax, aka Lightworker Lisa, has been certified in Massage Therapy, Fitness Training and Reiki Healing for over 15 years. In addition to being a born Lightworker she is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner; both of which basically confirm her intuitive abilities to help, heal and teach. Using reiki (energy healing), divine messages and intuitive readings, she has helped many people to identify the source of their pain, clarify current life situations, and successfully redirect their focus into positive channels.  If you’d like to share comments about this article or if you are in need of affordable healing and/or life coaching with immediate results, please call her at 561-594-3948 or visit her new website www.lightworkerlisa.com. All rights reserved.