August, 2009 – Banzai’s First Fundraiser, a 5K race on Aug. 23rd




Suzanne Friedman

Banzai Wellness Magazine


[email protected]


Banzai Wellness Magazine‘s First Fundraising Event


Banzai a word meaning ten thousand years of good health in Japanese, and has been used as a battle cry is so apropos for its namesake magazine, Banzai Wellness Magazine to have its first annual fundraising event benefit Healthcorps.  At 7 a.m. on Sunday, August 23, when the starting gun is shot to mark the beginning of the 5K, the participants will all shout BANZAI!   


More than 1,000 people, adults and kids alike  are expected to participate in a 5K run and volleyball  tournament  at Dreher Park in West Palm Beach August 23 to raise money for educating young people on health and fitness. The day is designed to be a fun exciting experience illustrating the benefits of physical activity for good health.  In addition to the 5K and volleyball tournaments there will be a variety of exercise demonstrations and classes, kids’ activities and health related vendors.


Coed volleyball tournaments will begin at approximately 8:30, and continue throughout the day. Corporate team sponsorships are available for $80.   Businesses sponsoring teams will be able to set up tables in a designated area displaying their goods and services.   Sponsorships for water, tee-shirts, hats, and pedometers are also desired. Athletes fee to participate in 5K and volleyball tournaments for adults (over 18) is $20, under 18 is $15. Fee will also include access to Zumba, Pilates, Boot camp  and Yoga classes throughout the day.   Children participating in the 100 yard dash are $1. 

Also, award-winning figure competitor and personal trainer Sici Weinstock of Wellington will make an appearance, inspiring others to get fit!  See the latest story on Weinstock in the AW Stories of the Month!


Funds raised from the event will support HealthCorps, a health education and mentoring program developed for schools by cardiac surgeon Mehmet Oz, who is best known for his appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show.


Modeled after the Peace Corps, the HealthCorps school-based program shows teens practical life skills through fun, interactive school seminars focused on the value and power of students’ bodies and minds. HealthCorps “Coordinators”, recent college graduates who have deferred medical school or graduate health program studies to participate in public service, empower teens to become educated consumers and health activists and encourage students to develop positive behavioral shifts that enhance self esteem and mental resilience.


The community-based outreach and events include professional development seminars, competitions (“Healthy Steps,”) consumer marketing campaigns and public events, (“Healthy Bodega” and “Highway to Health Fair and Festival,”) Parents Nights, and integration of existing community efforts.

For the 2008-2009 school year, HealthCorps established its program in 45 schools in seven states. Three of those states – California, Texas, and Ohio – are benefiting from the HealthCorps program for the first time. In Florida, the program has grown to eight schools, including Miami, Tampa and West Palm Beach.


Contact  Bryan Fedor for registration information at (561) 596-4450 or by email [email protected]. Contact Meric Tunca at (561) 573-5533 or by email [email protected]  regarding team sponsorships and advertising sponsorships.