August, 2011 – Vintage Beach Art at CGMS Gallery


Clay Glass Metal Stone Cooperative Gallery


Vintage Post Cards and the Lake Worth Beach

Opening Friday August 19, 6 PM to 9 PM


On Friday evening, August 19 from 6-9PM The Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery, 605 Lake Avenue in downtown Lake Worth, will be holding an Old Fashioned Beach Party with sand, beach balls, hotdogs and lemonade.  Postcards of Lake Worth’s past glories and Postcards that look like Lake Worth’s past glories will abound throughout the gallery.  Sizziling summer scenes and fun works of art will rock the gallery.  Beach picnic foods including “smores” will tempt your palatte.  Spinkle on a few grains of sand for that authentic beach meal.


Artists Lois Herrick and Karen McGovern host the evening filled with beach memorabilia and lots of old fashioned summer fun.  To savor the authenticity of the event listen for the musical strains of Annette and Frankie or some of those other 50’s beach blanket phenomena.


 Clay§Glass§Metal§Stone Cooperative Gallery is sponsored by the Flamingo Clay Studio, a non-profit arts organization whose mission is to provide affordable studio and gallery space for three-dimensional artists.  The gallery is located at 605 Lake Avenue in downtown Lake Worth.    Gallery openings are the first and third Friday of each month from 6-9PM.  For information call 215-205-9441.