August, 2013 – Palm Beach Zoo Sends Tapir to La


Timmy the “Tipping” Tapir Arrives at New Home

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – Timmy the “tipping” tapir has arrived at his new home at the Los Angeles Zoo, after being shipped from the Palm Beach Zoo. The ultimate goal of his new, permanent residence, is to meet a future mate for the survival of his species, as part of a specialized breeding program.

Timmy 1

Timmy in his new digs


The sixteen-month old, 300-pound Baird’s tapir arrived in California, after a 15-hour journey that took him 2,670 miles from coast-to-coast within one day. Accompanied by two of his caretakers, he left the Fort Lauderdale International Airport early Friday morning, and arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport Friday evening. He will remain in standard medical quarantine for thirty days.

Timmy 2 Timmy exploring his facility in the Los Angeles Zoo

Timmy rose to fame after he was abandoned at birth by his mother, and then inexplicably began falling over. After extensive medical testing, it was discovered that he suffered from a double ear infection, which has since been cured.

Palm Beach Zoo Veterinarian Dr. Genevieve Dumonceaux accompanied Timmy all the way from Florida to California.

“The staff at the Los Angeles Zoo already love him,” said Dr. Dumonceaux. “He seems very happy.”

Timmy will eventually become part of the Los Angeles Zoo’s “Rainforest of the Americas” exhibit, which is set to open later this year. He will also meet his future girlfriend, Tootsie, who is also a native Floridian, currently living at the Brevard County Zoo.

In his new forever home, he will provide a resource for the public to learn more about endangered tapirs. Accredited zoos move animals around to strive for 90% genetic diversity, to help ensure they don’t go extinct.

“Healthy zoo populations mean that they can be ambassadors for their wild cousins,” said Jan Steele, General Curator for the Palm Beach Zoo. “Timmy’s move, and his new permanent home, can help to teach our guests how they can affect conservation by making simple changes in their buying habits and behaviors.”

About the Palm Beach Zoo

The Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches exists to protect wildlife and wildlife habitat, and to inspire others to value and conserve the natural world. We advance our conservation mission through endangered species propagation, education, health and wellness, field research, and conservation medicine. Our sustainable and responsible business practices and local, national and global partnerships enable the Palm Beach Zoo to support national and international conservation, species survival, and habitat preservation.

The Palm Beach Zoo is located at 1301 Summit Boulevard, just east of I‐95 between Southern and Forest Hill Boulevards. The Zoo is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information, visit