August, 2015 – Summer Vacation from a Kid’s Perspective


Mommy MomentsBennettLewis

Summer Vacation from a kid’s perspective

By Bennett Lewis (age 11)

It’s summer and mom wanted to take a break from writing Mommy Moments, so I thought I’d help her out a little.

Top 10 Boring Things Moms and Dads want us to do on summer vacation

10. Write letters to our relatives

9. Practice math games on computer

8. Walk the dog

7. Pull weeds

6. Swimming lessons

5. Play outside

4. Practice instruments

3. Read a book

2. Wash dishes

1. Clean my room

However, these are the Top 10 FUN things kids want to do on summer vacation.

10. Play board games

9. Goof off at restaurants

8. Water/mud fights

7. Amusement parks

6. Go to the beach

5. Arcade games

4.Watch TV

3. Play video games

2. Watch You Tube videos– mostly Minecraft

1. Play Minecraft


As you can see, our ideas of a fun summer vacation are a little different.  Hope you all had a great summer vacation!  Happy Back to School days!!


Bennett is going to be a Middle Schooler this fall.  He is an energetic, Minecraft maniac, who loves playing soccer and going to the beach.