By Tricia Roberts
Dreams have captivated the human imagination for ages, filling our nights with thoughts of adventure and randomness. But what about our pets? Do they embark on journeys while they’re sleeping? The answer? Yes. Just like us, dogs and cats experience the mysterious realm of dreams.
Much like humans, both dogs and cats undergo distinct sleep cycles. They experience the same stages of deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep that we do.
The evidence of dreaming is unmistakable in dogs. When a dog is in REM sleep, you might notice some intriguing behaviors. Their paws may twitch, their legs may move as if they’re running, they may seem to snarl and move their mouth, and sometimes they even make soft barks or whimpers. These are strong indicators that dogs are in fact dreaming.
But what do they dream about? We obviously can’t ask or tap into their subconscious minds, but it’s reasonable to assume that their dreams might involve familiar activities. A dog that loves to play fetch might dream of chasing a ball, while one who likes treats might be dreaming of an all-you-can-eat buffet.

What about cats? They also enter the world of dreams and go through the same cycles of REM and deep sleep. Sometimes you might even witness your feline friend twitching their whiskers or subtly meowing or purring while they are in dreamland.
Like dogs, the subject of a cat’s dreams are a mystery. Perhaps they’re reliving their most daring escapades or imagining a world filled with an endless supply of catnip. The truth is, we can only guess.
What science tells us is that the notion of dreaming in dogs and cats is supported. EEG recordings have shown patterns in their brain activity during REM sleep that closely resemble the patterns seen in humans. The evidence strongly suggests that both dogs and cats are indeed experiencing dreams during this phase of sleep.
As pet owners, it’s important to recognize and respect our pets’ sleep cycles and their dream-filled adventures. If you notice your pet dreaming, try not to disturb them. Just like humans, dogs and cats need uninterrupted sleep to ensure their overall well-being. We’d appreciate it if they let us sleep, so we should do the same for them.