Community Art Project with the Arc


Be a Piece of the Big Picture 

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Unleash your inner artist by joining The Arc of Palm Beach County in a community art project. On Thursday, August 16, 2018, the public is invited to help bring a mosaic to life. The Arc and the Schumacher Automotive Group are creating a giant community art piece to express their shared vision of inclusion and acceptance. The finished mosaic will be displayed in the Schumacher showroom at 3031 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach.  

Artisans from The Arc will collaborate with guests as they place tiles in the design. The art party, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., includes music, food, raffle prizes, and items for purchase made by artisans at The Arc. The Arc’s Artisan Program allows clients to use their creativity to earn an income when their art is sold.  

“We are very grateful to Schumacher for hosting this event,” said Kimberly McCarten, CEO and president of The Arc of Palm Beach County. “We are always looking to align ourselves with local businesses that want to empower people with developmental disabilities. Getting the community involved with our artisans helps further that goal.” 

“We have been in business for more than 47 years. Giving back to the community has always been an integral pillar of Schumacher Automotive,” Schumacher Auto President Chuck Schumacher said. “Our employees and family of dealerships do much throughout the year in donating time and money for a variety of charities.”

Express your creativity and be a part of the big picture. Space is limited, so please RSVP to the Schumacher location in West Palm Beach at 561-935-4471.