December, 2009 – Health Care Towny Meeting




December 18, 2009          

Peter Wein     
Tel: 561-827-4223  
E-mail: [email protected]


Health Care Towny Meeting

Date: December 29th

TIME: 2PM to 4 PM

Location: W4CY Radio Studio,


On Tuesday December 29, 2009 Peter Wein from Peter’s Livingroom and Harriet Lerman of “Voice of the People” will present a”Towny Meeting” at the W4CY Radio studio. Subject of discussion will be on Health Care. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and get answers. The discussion will address what the Politicians in Washington are going to do to us. We want them (the Politicians) to know how you feel. That is why we have assembled a panel of Healthcare professional to discuss their point of view and give insight on what is going on and how it is going to affect us. Panel to include State Rep. Mark Pafford, Kevin DiLallo: CEO Wellington Regional Medical Center, Alan Mergerman: Insurance agent, Dave Knapp: from ADCAPH, Ann Fonfa: Annie Appleseed. This event will be introduced by Peter Wein of W4CY Radio’s Peter’s Livingroom and will be moderated by Harriet Lerman, the host of “Voice of the People” radio show.Those unable to attend can hear this meeting at 2 PM on


Email questions to be addressed on this show to: [email protected]. Members of the audience for this show are being accepted by reservation only. Seating is limited so contact W4CY Radio to reserve your spot in the audience of this historic event. Please call 561-340-1490.