December, 2010 – Astrology at Work




December, 2010Karola Crawford


By Karola Crawford


Happy Birthday still to early Sagittarians and then to all the Capricorns out there.  If you end up having to exchange your birthday presents because of the wrong color or size, or because something does not work the way that it was supposed to, blame the retrograde action of Mercury as it will be that way for most of December.  What will that do for the Christmas presents that will have to be exchanged?  Careful to communicate things very carefully and check, and double check any reservations, travel plans, meetings places, and articles and written papers, as well as contracts and the tires of your car.  This is a great time to research areas that you want to act on much later, as well as address issues that have been pending and waiting to get worked out.  If it was started at another time, now is the time to go back and make further attempts to resolve it.  Just don’t assume anything and all will be well. 


As for you Capricorns, you have life changing events that need to be addressed slowly and steadily.  Whether you like it or not, these events will keep coming up for you, and they should not be a surprise since they have been in the making for years. 


Aquarius – Yes, forward momentum is happening again and hopefully you have thought all those ideas through and have made a decision.  It is safe to move forward, but wait until after the end of the month so that you don’t have to do it twice.


Pisces – Many changes are coming up again that you thought were finished.  Here they are for their final culmination and you will need to act by the end of the year.


Aries – Go ahead, plan that trip that you’re thinking about, but double check any reservations two and even three times.  Read the fine print as well.


Taurus – Yes, things are getting more intense for you, so what does it all mean?  Have a romantic evening with that significant person and allow yourself some pampering.


Gemini – Constructive thoughts are churning within that head of yours and yes, you should go ahead and act on them, but do wait until the end of the year.  Let your ideas simmer and research carefully.


Cancer – You thought that you had this all tidied up but weren’t prepared for the spontaneity of others.  The universe has other plans and there are other souls out there that have their own agendas as well.  Try to look at life from their perspective, as well as your own.  This universe revolves around all of us.


Leo – You have been thinking about making that trip, so what’s holding you back?  Go for it or you will regret not taking the leap.  Share the fun with the family, and remember, all you have to do is double check everything.


Virgo – Are you butting up against authority this month?  Just sit tight with that thought, and by the end of the month things will shape up just the way that you want them to.


Libra – What has been on your mind these days?  You are getting quite intense and you know that the holidays are just around the corner but don’t worry.  It will all work out for you, and you will have a great time with friends and family.  A little preplanning is worth it though, just remember to keep it light.


Scorpio – If you’re planning a business move, now is the time to do the research.  By the end of the year, you should be in a good position to go forward.  Remember, slow is the key right now.


Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or at [email protected].