December, 2010 – Never Too Old for Some Holiday Spirit


Teen Talkstephaniecourtois13

Never Too Old For Some Holiday Spirit

By Stephanie Courtois

A five year old girl is opening her presents. The joy on her face is like that of a shooting star, which is a very rare sight to see. The warmth of the fireplace plus her parents looking intently with an awe-filled gaze at their exuberant daughter makes for a perfect holiday morning. That little girl was me.

Ever since I could remember, December was a month that I looked forward to. The music, the lights, and the whole family coming closer together. Even after moving houses six times throughout my life, a time that I always truly felt at home was during the holidays. It doesn’t matter whether one celebrates Christmas, Chanukah or Kwanzaa. It all boils down to the same concepts, love and faithfulness.

When children are young, they make out their wish lists for their gifts to come. The excitement could be seen bursting out of them from a mile away. Sitting on Santa’s lap is a major part of Christmas and believing the magical myth is what makes this day so merry. The same goes for Chanukah and Kwanzaa, only there is no Santa to visit, but the gifts and bliss are still present.

Aside from the joys of the well-known holidays, many Americans are unaware of what Kwanzaa truly is. Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration held in the United States honoring African heritage and culture; it’s marked by participants lighting a kinara (candle holder) and giving gifts. It is observed from December 26 to January 1.

No matter what the origins, children grow up, become independent and uncover the mystical myth. Parents can do nothing to cease this process for the coming of age. Although, what they may not be aware of, is that deep down teens love the holidays and are quite spirited about them. Of all the adolescents in the world, there are many who have families separated throughout the state, nation and around the globe. December is one of the rare months to see their loved ones.

While teenagers do not receive as many presents compared to previous years, we still acquire a little something that puts an ease to the wallet. For a good length of time, teens don’t have to worry about the money situation. At a certain age, relatives are unsure what teenagers would like, therefore, the gift consists of cash and gift cards for the most part.

On top of it all, winter break is in action. Teens are laid back and ready to spend . December is the month that companies and local businesses look forward to all year. They are prepared for the winter season; they are stocked up, have extra help and are ready to make a profit. It’s a win-win for everyone.

The stages of development happen, and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it or slow their path. It’s a time to celebrate with loved ones and make memories that will be cherished forever. December is a month to look forward to and it’s a special time of year for each and every one of us.

Stephanie Courtois is a junior at Wellington High School. She is involved in tae kwon do, French, National and Chemistry Honor Societies, and is the news editor for the school newspaper. She loves journalism and aspires to work for a magazine someday.