December, 2012 – Meet Santa and have breakfast with animals at the Palm Beach Zoo


Meet Santa and have breakfast with animals at the Palm Beach Zoo


Contact: Aileen Van Pelt, Media Relations & Development Manager

   (561) 533-0887 x222, (561) 866-7554, [email protected]

November 23, 2012, West Palm Beach, Florida – It wouldn’t be Christmas without Santa Claus and it wouldn’t be Christmas at the Palm Beach Zoo without animals. So come meet both at the Zoo’s Breakfast with Santa!

You’ll enjoy a scrumptious buffet breakfast, private animal encounters and of course, meet ‘n’ greets with Santa and Mrs. Claus along with photo opportunities. Children can also make crafts and take a ride on the carousel for FREE. 

Since this is the season of giving, those in attendance will also take home a special holiday gift from their animal friends at the Zoo in addition to the treasured memories they’ll have for a lifetime.

Breakfast with Santa will be held Saturday & Sunday, December 15 & 16 at 8:30 a.m. and on Saturday & Sunday, December 22 & 23 at 8:30 a.m. & 10 a.m.

Reserve your seats now. Space is limited. Tickets for Zoo members are $22.95 for adults, $14.95 for children 3 – 12 years old, and $4.95 for children under 3. For non-members, it’s $32.95 for adults, $24.95 for children 3 – 12 years old, and $4.95 for children under 3. To make your reservations, visit and look under the Events tab.

About the Palm Beach Zoo

The Palm Beach Zoo is located at 1301 Summit Boulevard, just east of I‐95 between Southern and Forest Hill Boulevard. The zoo is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. For more information regarding the Palm Beach Zoo, visit