Earth Day and Everything Green


By Heidi Hess

It’s safe to say that spring has sprung. This pesky time change thing has everyone grumpy in the morning – including me. But if I’m being honest, I like it being lighter a bit later. I love going out for walks in the morning and seeing the sunrise (even if I am crabby). Look at all of the pictures I post on Facebook. Oh look – Heidi posted another sunrise. Shocker. Ha… but seriously, nature is a miraculous thing. The conditions have to be just right to sustain life on our blue/green marble floating through space. That’s why we all need to celebrate Earth Day. 

So get out your flower head wreaths, bell-bottom jeans, and rose-colored, heart-shaped sunglasses, and join us for a full day of events on Monday, April 22, 2024. Yes, I know it’s a Monday, but call in. You need it. Take the kids out of school too. They need to see you being a steward to Mother Nature. Education isn’t just about fractions and essays, it’s about teaching our kids to be good people. One of those things should be instilling in them a love of nature and caring for the environment. 

Start the day with the Coastal Clean Up in downtown West Palm Beach. Get ready to help clean up our waterways from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. at 138 South Flagler Drive. If you reserve in advance you might even get to hit the water for the clean-up using a kayak for free. 

Don’t forget the Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration at the Wellington Amphitheater from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20th. You’ll be able to plant a tree, learn about Palm Beach County and the organizations that support the environment, as well as participate in free, fun activities. 

While it’s nice getting out and about on Earth Day, change starts at home. Have the kids come up with ideas about little changes we can make that will help the world. Instead of buying water in plastic bottles, invest in stainless steel thermos, use old towels for cleaning instead of wipes, and maybe plant something. Plant tomato seeds, plant a basil plant… plant something green.

And while you’re at it, eat something green too. Your mom called. She asked me to remind you to eat your greens on Earth Day. You’re welcome and Happy Earth Day.