February, 2010 – A Workshop to Free Your Soul


“A Workshop to Free your Soul and Anchor your  Dreams……”     

Tuesday, February 23rd


“The Year of Living Miraculously”

You hear it over and over again: You have the power to co create your reality.” What an extraordinary statement!  Everything that we are experiencing in our lives is the manifestation of this innate ability. We are attracting to us at every moment exactly what we believe to be true about ourselves and our world. We have the power to be the modern day shamans, the healers, the miracle makers.

Yet, there are many who believe unfortunately that miraculous occurrences fall under the category of “special events.”  Saint Augustine would clearly disagree.  He said: Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”

When you change your programming – the limiting messages that loop over and over and over again in your subconscious – you set into motion a new set of rules and commands and the ability to take the quantum leap into the zero point field – or the world where miracles are created.

I invite you to join me on Tuesday, Jan 19th at 7:00 pm and begin an extraordinary journey into a world where your dreams become real.                                                                                                                                                                                    

The Year of Living Miraculously will assist you in

·         Connecting to your highest purpose and desired intentions.

·         Understanding how many of your beliefs are “hard wired” which sets up a screen of resistance to any other beliefs – real or false! 

·         A guided meditation to meet and reprogram your self limiting subconscious beliefs

·         Creating your New Reality and releasing your Old Reality.

·         Declaring your goals and knowing what daily habits are required to direct your intentions to specifically affect the zero point field.

·         Developing a support group to anchor your vision

·        Creating a mind movie as a daily reminder of your new reality…..and much more! 

If you’ve been thinking;This is the Year that I will: Make it, Do it, Change it!” You’re absolutely right! Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to take the strategic (& magical) steps you need to begin to live your life authentically, in harmony and miraculously!  

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all   the way, and not starting. ——-Buddha


Date: Tues. Feb. 23rd    Time:  7- 9 pm
Jamar Enlightenment Center                                                       

Pre Registration: $30    At The Door: $35
4595 Northlake Blvd. Ste 110-111,

Villa Palma Plaza, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 33418

(561) 630-2280