February, 2010 – “Butterfly Gardening” on Feb. 1st


Who:  Wellington Garden Club

Where:  Wellington Community Center 

                12165 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, 33414

When:  Monday, February 1, 2010

Luncheon and Business Meeting 11:30 am;  Program 1:00 pm




    Florida butterfly expert, Alana Edwards, Education and Training Coordinator for Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies, will introduce you to the magical world of butterflies.  She will demonstrate ways you can invite them to take up residence in your own backyard.

    Alana has been an avid “butterflier” for the past 12 years. She co-founded the North American Butterfly Association (NABA), Atala Chapter in West Palm Beach, Florida and is co-creator of the acclaimed “Edwards Butterfly Garden” in Delray Beach. She was the lead coordinator of a survey to identify rare and endangered Southern Florida butterflies, sponsored by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and conducted by the NABA.

    Alana will help us create a garden of paradise for butterflies and a little bit of paradise for us too.

   The public is invited.  A light lunch is served. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to 561-793-6013 or  561-798-9217. 


Beverly Lichtenstein. PR

(561) 791-2722
