February, 2010 – W.A.S. on the Move





Adrianne Hetherington, President

561-784-7561  [email protected]

Mag and David Frye, Publicity

561-792-6185  [email protected]





Wellington Art Society is on the move! 

Arts partnership with village namesake announced


Wellington, FL – January 26, 2010 The Wellington Art Society has a new home, just in time for its February meeting…and a lot of other activities in the weeks ahead.


The group recently entered into a cooperative partnership agreement with the Village of Wellington that will allow it to use village facilities for its meetings and events in return for providing arts-related cultural activities for local residents to enjoy.


As a result of this partnership, a permanent exhibit space for W.A.S. members is being established at the Wellington Community Center, located at 12165 West Forest Hill Blvd. Original works will be rotated quarterly in the space as part of the village’s Art in Public Places program. The first of these free public exhibits will debut Wednesday, February 10, with a small opening reception from 5:30-6:30pm. Light refreshments will be served.


That same evening, the W.A.S. monthly meeting will also take place—the first to be held at the Community Center under the new agreement–starting at 6:30pm, with a brief business meeting at 7, followed by a live demonstration on jewelry making will be presented by member-artist Suzanne Redmond (see attached photos).


Growing up in Cocoa Beach, Redmond was influenced and encouraged early on by her mother, also a talented artist. Now living with her own family in Royal Palm Beach, Redmond has been seriously pursuing jewelry making for about six years, studying locally and in Portland, Oregon to hone her craft. She incorporates chain maille, wire work, and cold connections into her designs and particularly loves working with copper and sterling silver. She has shown her jewelry at various art shows and has been published online in the design blog Objects and Elements.


As a way of meeting other artists and challenging herself artistically, Redmond is a moderator of an online group called Charmsters, where she has created dozens of jewelry charms that are traded with other artists and art lovers around the world. While the Feb. 10 exhibit reception and W.A.S. meeting are both free and open to the public, there is a $5.00 fee for non-Society members wishing to participate in the Redmond demo.


The cooperative agreement with the village comes at a busy time for the organization: in addition to continuing its administration of the village’s Student Art Program, now in its fourth year, the Society has also recently announced a 60’s-themed fundraiser, “Art. Dance. Rock and Roll.” coming Saturday, March 6 to the Community Center. The sock-hop-style event will feature an evening of classic oldies with “Chef” Mike Perry from KOOL 105.5 and a silent auction of original “pop art” by W.A.S. members.


Founded in 1981, The Wellington Art Society is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, providing both local and regional artists the platform to share their work, learn more about their craft and serve the community through their art.


A 501(c)(3) charitable organization, its mission is to educate and encourage originality and productivity among its members and area youth through programs designed to further the advancement of cultural endeavors in the western communities.


For more information, visit their website, www.wellingtonartsociety.org, or call W.A.S. President Adrianne Hetherington at 561-784-7561.