February, 2021


Mayor’s Column – February, 2021

Last year at this time, it is doubtful any of us would have seen the challenges of 2020 coming our way. We have been confronted with creating and adapting to new ways of learning, working, and living among stressors we have never experienced before. However, for all of the hardships, 2020 also provided a unique opportunity to learn many lessons.

Our community is fortunate to have such a strong team of Village staff, committed volunteers, and board and committee members, who continue to conduct Village business and step up to do whatever needs to be done.

As we look ahead at our Village’s 25th Anniversary of Incorporation, there is much to celebrate. Despite the uncertainty, we are hopeful for the future.

As part of our on-going efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, we have canceled many of our larger-scale special events and gatherings through March. We continue to focus on providing fun virtual activities for residents of all ages. Visit Wellington’s website for a complete list of virtual classes, programs, and events.

This month, we continue to meet the needs of hundreds of families impacted by the pandemic. Our Feeding South Florida food distribution takes place every Tuesday from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM at the Mall at Wellington Green. Our local distribution has helped put food on the table of nearly 30,000 families since the start of the pandemic.

I’m excited to share an update on the Wellington High School Sports Complex Project. With the shared-use stadium field now completed and currently in use, we are well underway with Phase 2 of the project. Crews are busy working on five new artificial turf fields, three basketball courts, eight tennis courts, an improved student drop-off loop, a maintenance building, and a concession stand, all within the boundaries of the Wellington High School property.  We are counting down to a mid-2021 grand opening of the fully completed project.  Our community will get the most use out of this best-in-class sports complex for sports leagues and general recreation for generations to come. 

Speaking of Wellington High, we’re kicking off the Tom Atkins Civics 101 program on February 22nd with Wellington High School students.  This will be a virtual event conducted via Zoom.  Students will learn about municipal government and the policy-making processes and operations of Village Hall.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone to continue doing their part to keep our community safe. Now that vaccines are becoming available throughout the County, it’s easy to let our guard down. Please wear your mask, practice good hygiene, and continue social distancing when possible. These simple actions will continue to help us save lives.

Having lived through 2020, I am confident that we as a community are poised to tackle any challenges that 2021 brings with optimism, creativity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Here’s to a great 2021!