WEST PALM BEACH, FL – December 17, 2020 – Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service (Alpert JFS) invites community members to attend a free virtual workshop about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for individuals with disabilities on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. The Zoom presentation is part of the Melvin J. & Claire Levine LifePlanningTM program. Mr. Richard L. Friedkin, of Friedkin Associates will be featured. Participants will learn about eligibility benefits, how employment affects benefits, the Medicare Savings Program and ABLE Act. “SSI is financial assistance for persons with disabilities that have limited income, while SSDI is for those that worked prior to the onset of a disability,” said Alpert JFS Director of LifePlanningTM Tami Lustig. “It can be very confusing and we’re happy to help educate members of our community on how to attain benefits that can help improve the quality of their lives.” “We are looking forward to explaining the Social Security disability system and clearing up some of the mysteries and misunderstandings,” said Friedkin. To register for the workshop, visit alpertjfs.org/lifeplanning/ by Monday January 18, 2021. To request reasonable accommodations for a disability, phone Lustig at 561-713-1917 or email [email protected] at least five [5] business days prior to the Zoom session. She is also available to answer questions and provide additional information. A number of relevant LifePlanningTM Workshops will be featured online in the coming year, with diverse topics ranging from Assistive Technology Tools Across the Lifespan to Including School, Work and Home; The Importance of Legal Planning; The ABLE Act and Special Needs Trusts; Relationships, Boundaries and Online Safety; and Being the Best Advocate for you and Your Family. The Melvin J. & Claire Levine LifePlanningTM program offers education, advocacy, confidential consultation, and emotional support to people of all faiths and ethnicities who are caring for a loved one with a disability. Free workshops encourage and assist with planning for the future, providing information on education, recreation, building independence skills and vocational opportunities. Established in 1974, Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service is a nationally accredited service provider for children, adults, seniors, and Holocaust survivors. The non-profit, non-sectarian organization is a trusted leader, with a team of nearly 200 highly skilled professionals delivering high-quality care to community members. Alpert JFS works to ensure the well-being of children and families, independence of older adults and quality-of-life for individuals with disabilities. For more information, visit AlpertJFS.org or phone 561-684-1991. ### |