Greater Palm Beach Rose Society (GPBRS) will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021, at 7:00 PM virtually via GoToMeeting.
The brief business meeting will be followed by a presentation “Things (about roses) I Didn’t Learn in Kindergarten.” An updated (2021) program that recounts valuable lessons I have learned about growing roses, many through making mistakes, in 50 years of rose growing by Bob Martin.

Bob Martin is the 56th President of the American Rose Society, the nation’s largest plant society.
Bob has been growing roses for nearly 50 years. He and his wife Dona live in Escondido, California, where they maintain a rose garden of more than 600 roses of all types. He is an American Rose Society Master Rosarian, an Accredited Horticultural Judge and an Accredited Arrangements Judge.
Bob is well known as a humorous and effective speaker and rose evangelist, having spoken at 24 American Rose Society national conventions, at district conventions in all of the 18 ARS districts, and more than 250 times at rose societies and garden clubs throughout the U.S.
Bob is also a prolific writer, having authored more than 700 published articles on roses. He is the National Editor of Horizon Roses, an annual review by the nation’s top exhibitors of new exhibition roses. Bob is also the author of the book “Showing Good Roses”, and maintains a website covering U.S. rose shows at Honored for his lifetime contribution to rose education, Bob was a 2009 recipient of the ARS Klima Medal.

To attend the club’s meeting as a guest, please RSVP to Maria Wolfe at 561-386-4903. Greater Palm Beach Rose Society is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that has been promoting rose growing for over 40 years. . Its motto is “Gardening Makes a World of Difference. The club is a member of the American Rose Society (ARS). For more information, see