HANLEY CENTER FOUNDATION PREVENTION TEAM ANNOUNCES SYMPOSIA SERIES ON SUBSTANCE ABUSE Industry experts to present in April, May and June; professionals can get free CEUs; public welcomed


(WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.) Hanley Center Foundation, a West Palm Beach-based nonprofit, is taking the lead to keep community conversations about substance abuse in the forefront. As a next step in its expanded mission, which includes a much greater focus on substance abuse prevention across the state of Florida, the Foundation is presenting a “Spring Symposia Series.” Industry experts will present and discuss hot topics across several counties, including Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River, in April, May and June. The symposia series is free and open to the public, and also provides CEUs to professionals in attendance.

“As we continue to put a greater focus on our prevention education initiatives, we are thrilled to be presenting the Spring Symposia Series,” said Kae Jonsons, Hanley Center Foundation CEO. “This is an opportunity to expand our reach in the community by providing CEUs to professionals – and solid information to concerned community members. We are grateful to Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network for their continued confidence and support of our programming. Thanks to their funding, the symposia series is free to anyone interested in attending. We know the more people we can reach with our mission, the greater the impact on our entire community.”

Hanley Center Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to give hope to individuals, families and communities affected by alcoholism and drug addiction through access to high quality treatment, education, family support and community prevention programs. In 2015, the Foundation took steps to expand its mission and it now has a more comprehensive opportunity to help those who could not otherwise afford the hope that comes with recovery. Other funding now gives the prevention and education teams the opportunity to work with even more school-age children, adults and caregivers throughout Florida to prevent substance abuse.

The first event in the series, “Preventing College and Adolescent ADHD and Stimulant Medication Misuse,” takes place on Thursday, April 21 and Friday, April 22 in Fort Pierce and Boca Raton, respectively, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. David Arnold, an authority on college alcohol and substance abuse prevention, will explore what communities can do to reduce medication misuse, reduce barriers to success and enhance communities and students. The day-long conversation will review current data and literature on ADHD misuse; explore current SAMHSA strategic prevention framework; review peer-to-peer education and support methodologies; and will include a group implementation and process discussion, so attendees can execute on specific ideas.

David Arnold joined the NASPA (Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education) staff in 2014, and currently serves as the director of health promotion and BACCHUS Initiatives. The BACCHUS Initiatives of NASPA supports collegiate peer educators and advisors by empowering students and student affairs administrators to create campus environments which are healthy and safe. Arnold first joined his peer education group as an undergraduate at the University of North Texas in 2001 and became a Certified Peer Educator in 2002. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in social work, Arnold continued to work with peer educators as an advisor and a professional staff member in health promotion and substance abuse prevention at the collegiate level for ten years. During his professional tenure, Arnold provided clinical and community prevention services for three large, four-year state institutions of higher education.

The Spring Symposia Series is sponsored by Hanley Center Foundation and the Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families.

The April 21 event takes place at the Treasure Coast Public Safety Training Complex at Indian River State College, 4600 Kirby Loop Rd.; Fort Pierce. The April 22 event takes place at Palm Beach State College, the Boca Raton Campus, at 801 Palm Beach State College Dr.; Boca Raton. Six CEUs will be available through the Florida Certification Board, Florida Board of Psychology, Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Florida Board of Nursing.

For more information about this event, or the May and June series, or to register, please visit www.hanleycenterfoundation.org, call Martha Putnam, 561-841-1215 or email [email protected].