Happy 2023!


January is the time of year that we reset ourselves with thoughts of doing or being better. I am no different than anyone else. I’m setting goals and reflecting on my health and fitness. Caring for an aging mom who obviously deposited her genetic code on me is making me more reflective. “Move it or lose it” is my statement for 2023! Join me if you will, by making lifestyle changes that make us stronger as a community.

Fireworks at Village Park in Wellington. Photo by Elien Boes.

Events coming up in the Village are exciting too. Casino Night on the Promenade is happening on Saturday January 14th. Tickets are available on the website and it’s a new use of the Promenade (casting it as a boardwalk as in Atlantic City). You may have noticed that more 21 and up events are being planned. This is by request and response to the residents. Our popular Amphitheater events have been moved while we continue to expand that venue, and the Promenade is a great way for us to continue to Gather at the Town Center Complex.

Also the Father/Daughter dance returns at Village Park (instead of the community center) on January 28th. Tickets sold out in record time this year, but because its at Village Park gym we may be able to accommodate more. The Theme this year is Boogie at the Bayou. Check back with the website in case there are additional tickets available. This has become a very popular way to celebrate the Father Daughter relationship in a time where that has never been more important.

Lakeside Market continues on Friday evenings on the Promenade too with local vendors that offer unique items. Food and beverages are available too so come out and make an evening of it.

The Equestrian Events are really the star of the January Show in Wellington! Polo at the Nation Polo Center (formerly International Polo Club) Show Jumping at the Wellington Equestrian Center and Dressage at Global Dressage are what makes us the Winter Equestrian Capital of the World. (krista: can you add the links to these venues??) There is no place like our Great Home Town to enjoy the best of these international events. If you haven’t been to all of these, make it a New Year’s Resolution! There are affordable ways to attend all of them and it is exciting to watch each one.