Happy April, 2024


As I write this on April 2nd, I must say it’s been a successful April so far.  And that means that I pulled off a really good April Fool’s joke on one of my friends.  Hoping you had fun too and had a lovely Easter.

This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Joana Donovan (pictured above) of Propel Resume and Career Services.  Joana is an amazing writer and editor.  She really gets to know her clients and gives them that boost that they need to get their next quality job.  Read the story in “AW Spotlight.” 

In other news, we have a new intern and Teen Talk writer Morgan Kates.  She is a freshman at Park Vista High School and is helping post the daily press releases onto our site.  She will make her debut with her first Teen Talk article in May!

To get into depth about a wonderful local artist, read Denise Marsh’s “Cultural Corner” article, titled “Art with Heart: An Interview with Heather Bergstrom, President of the Wellington Art Society and Professional Artist.”  Get the story on how Bergstrom discovered that being an artist was her true calling in life.  And see some of her beautiful works of art.

Above: Tea Party by Heather Bergstrom

Welcome to our newest advertiser Cugini Winery!  You’ll be hearing more about them in May and about joining their wine guild with wines shipped directly from their vineyard in Calabria, Italy.  They have a tasting room in the heart of Wellington.

Besides this month being about getting your taxes done (ugh!), it’s also about Earth Day!  Read Heidi Hess’ “Mommy Moments” for some great suggestions about what to do with the family to celebrate Earth Day!  Wellington’s own Earth Day/ Arbor Day celebration takes place on Saturday, April 20th from 11am to 1pm at the Wellington Amphitheater.

We also have a wonderful article from Charmaine Peters, just in time for Earth Day, in “Living Green.”  It’s titled “Sowing Sustainability: How Home Gardening Helps the Earth.”  It will inspire you to get out your gardening gloves and get planting. 

There are several more insightful articles this month!  And don’t forget to visit our Photo Galleries with recent AroundWellington photos by Alan Fabricant and Carol Porter. 

Thanks for your readership and hope you have an excellent April! 

See you Around Wellington!

Krista Martinelli


Celebrating 18 Years!

It’s good news!