Happy June and Happy Father’s Day!

At Fort Myers Beach

Happy June! 

I hope you’re having a great start to the summer.  To all the fathers Around Wellington, I wish you a Happy Father’s Day. 

As I write this, I’m headed out for our annual trip to Fort Myers Beach.  This is a lovely time spent swimming, reading, playing, collecting sea shells, finding starfish and watching beautiful sunsets paint the sky.  I can’t wait! 

This month we introduce you to an amazing non-profit organization called Silvie Bells.  Named after her daughter Silvie, Jennifer Smith decided it was time to bring some cheer to the NICU during the holidays.  After the intense experience she and her husband Caleb had, she realized that there are a lot of things you need to make it through the holidays when you’re camped out in the NICU.  See our “AW Spotlight” story. 

We also have our first ever advertiser networking meeting this month.  This is a chance for our advertisers to support each other and talk about what their business does best.  If I haven’t said so lately, please support our advertisers.  You’ll see them on the top and the right of the website, as well as listed in the weekly eNewsletter. 

I’m grateful to our writers and photographers, who fill these pages with great content every month.  Scroll through and check out all of the articles. 

Thanks again to marketing manager Damon Webb for coordinating free donut day earlier this month. We aim to please.  Thanks to the two Dunkin Donut locations and owners Angela and Andy, who partnered with us. 

Here’s wishing you an excellent month – whether you’re finding starfish (like I will be doing), snorkeling, surfing or just hanging Around Wellington. 




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