In You, In Me, In We. I See.


In you, in me, in we. 

I see.  

By Bryan Hayes

I believe, in you

Not only in

All that you do

But in

All that you are

I see greatness

In your eyes

Beyond what

Anyone sees

Even yourself

I believe, in you

Without needing to become anew

I believe, in you

Now, today, as you are here, today

I believe, in you

In your eyes, your greatness resides

That I see, in you

Your greatness, that no longer needs to hide

I believe, in me

Not only in

All that I do

But in all I am

All that I will be

I see greatness

In my eyes

Beyond what

Anyone sees

Even yourself

I believe, in me

Without needing to become anew

I believe, in me

Now, today, as I appear, today

I believe, in me

In my eyes, my greatness resides

That I see, in me

My greatness, that no longer needs to hide

Intrinsic value:  what is your perceived value as the work of art that you truly are?  Priceless, beyond what money can buy, because you are a one of a kind divine brush stroke of fresh air on the stale canvas of life’s yearning for the true treasure that you are.  

I believe, in you

In your eyes, I see greatness

I support, you

I see greatness, in your eyes

I am proud, of you

In your eyes, your greatness resides

I love, you

Your greatness resides, in your eyes

It is time, for the world to see

Your eyes