J Street Junction : The West Side of the Street
Lake Worth Beach
Every New Idea Needs A Practice Weekend
Join the Gang at J Street Junction to Celebrate Their New Venture
Friday, October 7, Saturday October 8
Get Your Popcorn and Cotton Candy
Friday is Stage and Vendors
Saturday is Vintage, Trendy, Weird and Crafty
J Street Junction is located in Downtown Lake Worth Beach. It is the first block east of Dixie Highway and the first block South of Lake Avenue. A wide and quiet street, it is home base for artists and musicians with two art galleries, an arist studio, and three major music venues. Street Festivals, a safe way to gather during covid crisis times, will become the norm for large crowds of art and music lovers.
Beginning on Friday, October 7, performers, artists and the community will gather to launch an experiment in community building through the arts. Every weekend, neighbors, artists, children, musician, teens, poets, dancers will gather to share their talents, sell their wares and create new art on the spot.
In October, on Friday7 , Saturday 8 , the west side of J Street, the side alley and Rudy’s Pub Patio will create wonderful experiences with artists and performers for all of the communities of the region.
Artists will Light Up the Night with LED expressions of movement and skilled performance to local DJs who will take the stage, competing with each other for the best sound and vibe. CCBGProductions and the creators of SPEAK-UP-SPEAK EASY have pulled together artists, collectors, poets, the creative, in a network capable of displaying their works and their talents. “In The Alley” is an outdoor cooperative street market.
This Launch Party will introduce the community to what is possible. The community is asked to match this during all of the months from October thru June.
Opening Night will feature “OPEN DECK,” a venue for electric music. Sign-up is at 6PM. Artists are invited to bring their thumbdrives and plug in. Our hosts for “OPEN DECK” are local celebrity, N.o.M.a.d. with support from Doulas DeJong.
J Street Flow Jam will be led by @Shaktifox (Erykah Picard) Flow Art is dance and movement using a balanced “flow prop” or instrument, usually lit up with LED lights, or fire, that creates a meditative and hypnotic experience for both the dancer and the audience. There will be workshops held during the weekend for those who want to learn the skill.
A variety of classes will be available during the weekend. These include Introduction to Spicy Fan Tech by Guan Zi. 6-7 PM. A donation of $10-$20 is suggested..
A series of Three Tiered Rotating Totems are being created for the events. Each month a famous local artist will paint one of these during the event. J Strreet will then have 9 kinetic totems that will attract new tourists thoughout the year. The first of these will be live painted by Chanimal Shepherd, a well know South Florida muralist. He will be starting a large scale, Black Light art installation.
This first weekend will launch a season of live painters, fire spinners, electronic arts and so much more. “In The Alley” was created to highlight special talents and support local small business.
And then comes Saturday, the day of Vintage, Trendy, Weird and Crafty. Vendors will line the block, and when neighbors see what J Street has wrought, they will add to the numbers month after month. And there will be Popcorn and Cotton Candy.
Propaganda will be presenting a Spooky Mermaid Party on Friday night starting at 8PM with circus performers, vendors and three bands; Tiger Sunset, Mount Sinai and Baron. $10 cover fee required.
Rudy’s Pub, a sponsor of these events, will be presenting musical performances, both in front of their venue and on their back patio throughout the entire month. They will have food and beverages available. On the 15th, Rudy’s Pub along with Rod MacDonald will be holding a fund-raiser for hurricane victims. This weekend Rudy’s Pub will be producing Hootenanny, a must attend avent.

Flamingo Clay Studio, a sponsor of these events, will have free art lessons on a regular basis, as well as child friendly treats and special events for children and families to enjoy. During the artist event, teenagers from the Rising Tide Initiative will be teaching children how to Sand Paint Sugar Skulls. They have the supplies and the energy to make 250 children happy.
J Street Junction is your destination stop for art and music in Downtown Lake Worth. With the Kroman Gallery and Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery, the fine arts flourish on the block. Music and entertainment are always there at Rudy’s Pub, The Bamboo Room, and Propaganda.
Interested artists and vendors are welcome to apply to participate at: Flamingo Clay Studio, 15 South J Street, Lake Worth Beach FL, 33460. Email: [email protected].
All events are made possible thanks to generous grants from the Cultural Division of the State of Florida, the Groelle Foundation the Sponsorships of Rudy’s Pub, the Flamingo Clay Studio, and generous permitting from the City of Lake Worth Beach. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays will be filled with artists, musicians, dancers, food, drink and a lot of LED Lights.
For additional information contact Joyce Brown, [email protected].
Headquarters for J Street Junctions- The West Side of the Street is found at the Flamingo Clay Studio and Gallery. The gallery is located at 15 South J Street in downtown Lake Worth. Hours are Sunday thru Thursday, 10AM-3PM. Friday and Saturday, 10AM-8 PM
For information text Joyce Brown-215-205-9441 or email [email protected]. Gallery phone: 561-588-8344 (leave a message and we will get back to you)