January, 2012 – A New Beginning


JessicaTeen Talk

A New Beginning

By Jessica Small


As the holiday decorations come down and all those extended family members flock home, normality returns to our homes. Needless to say, now that the major holidays are over, countless Americans will be committing to resolutions to start off the New Year.


It’s an interesting concept. We stumble through each day going along with normal routines – school, work, family, friends, chores, life. Then, we go out with a bang! And start fresh with promises we hope to keep.


I’ve never been one for New Years resolutions. I constantly make resolutions, as needed. When my big brother left for college five months ago, I promised to keep in touch. When I started my junior year of high school, I was pledged to put my grades and responsibilities above everything else. And two months ago, I took up running again, and have made it my goal to build up to a 5k.


The key word there is “build.” Too often we try to leap into something. We dive head first into a sea of commitment without seeing the reality of the situation. As a teenager, I’m constantly reminded that I need to do everything to ensure a solid future. I’m expected to have the best grades, the best extra curricular activities, and the best ambitions in order to get into the best university, then the graduate school, and then get the best job to make the most money.


It can drive a kid insane! Luckily for me, I’ve been knocked down a few times. And each defeat has taught me that I can’t run towards a future. I need to live for today. And do my best. And slowly walk towards where I want to be and who I want to be.


As of now, I’m running three solid miles without stopping. My time may be slow, and my face might be bright red by the end of that third mile – but I’m doing it. On January 28th, I plan to run my first 5K ever, which is ironically the way my dad started his own running career nine years ago.


So, my advice to you, from the eyes of a teen, is to take those resolutions slowly. It’s easy to jump into it and even easier to fail. But if you work your way up to where you want to be, you’ll make it. And that makes the finish line even sweeter to cross.


Jessica Small is a junior at Wellington High School. She is the Sports Editor of the school’s online publication, whswave.com. She is enrolled in rigorous courses at WHS and aspires to go to Emory University, following in her brothers footsteps. She is involved in her high school dance team and is president of ThinkPinkKids. She is an intern for AroundWellington.com.