January, 2012 – Wellington Garden Club’s Monthly Meeting


Wellington Garden Club’s Monthly Meeting


The Wellington Garden Club will meet on Monday, February 6, 2012 at the Wellington Community Center , 12165 W. Forest Hill Blvd. , with a business meeting at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch at 11:30 and a program at 12:15 presented by Dr. Joe Schaefer.


Dr. Schaefer is District Extension Director for the University of Florida/IFAS Florida Extension Services .  He has a PhD in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and has worked with a variety of critters including black bears in Maine , crows, coyotes and owls in Iowa , hawks in Kansas and several other species during his years as a professor.  Each day there are opportunities to see wildlife around our homes and in our communities.  Some of these animals are very secretive and do not wish to be seen, but nonetheless, are still our neighbors.  His presentation, “Encounters With Our Wild Neighbors,” will help us to better understand and enjoy wildlife in our yards.


Guests are welcome and there is no admission fee, but seating is limited.  To reserve a seat, please RSVP to Jayne at 561-791-0273.