January, 2015 – AW in Pictures


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! For recent videos, click on our “Videos” link.

The 2015 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was kicked off in a very pink way at the Waterfront Commons in West Palm Beach on January 8. During the event PBC Palm Tran unveiled the Komen South Florida official pink bus featuring this year’s super hero theme and also provides an information station for its passengers as well as invite participants in the year’s Race for the Cure. Photo by Lois Spatz.
On January 10th, the Healthy Strydes Summit took place at the Oasis Health & Rehabilitation Center. Organized by Pink Strydes, a variety of vendors offered mammogram screenings, breast cancer workshops, HIV/AIDS education and testing, nutrition information and more. Photo by Carol Porter.
Nothing’s Going to Stop Us, a rally in support of marriage for gays and lesbians in the State of Florida, and in particular in Palm Beach County, took place on Monday, January 5, at the Metropolitan Community Church in Palm Beach Gardens. The ceremony took place that evening and was followed by marriages at the South County Courthouse at midnight on January 6, and a rally in West Palm Beach on January 6. Speaking at the MCC event in Palm Beach Gardens were Rev. Dr. Lea Brown, of MCC Church; Allan Hendricks of Equality Florida Palm Beach County; Meredith Ockman of NOW; Sloan Grimsley and Joyce Alba; Lake Worth City Commissioner Andy Amoroso; Rabbi Barry Silver and Tony Plakas of Compass in Lake Worth. Rev. Elder Troy Perry, founder, of MCC Churches spoke to attendees via skype. Photo by Carol Porter.


Lynn Stebbins  Nick Staub

Wycliffe Golf Director Lynn Stebbins and 11-year-old golf sensation Nick Staub at the Wycliffe Annual Junior Golf Clinic, which was held on Dec. 30th. Photo by Steve Hollander.


By Rollin McGrail.
By Rollin McGrail.

A brief narrative of the illustration…By Rollin McGrail.

Marianne is the symbol of liberty for France and the French dating back to the French Revolution.  She is a proud and determined woman wearing a Phrygian cap.  She symbolizes liberty, egalitarianism and fraternity, probably one of the most recognizable and distinctive symbols of France.  The Phrygian cap was worn by freed slaves in Roman society, so that they were readily identifiable, and as a result, they have come to be associated with freedom.

After hearing about the horrible attack on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, this simple red stocking cap came to me, after hours of scratching my head – what to do. Comme d’habitude, I had to take the proverbial pencil from behind my ear in order to wash my hair, et voila, I got my concept.

Liberte d’expression, Je suis Charlie.