January, 2019


Happy 2019!

The beginning of the New Year is a perfect time for us to reflect on the previous year and to determine our resolutions for the upcoming year. 2018 was a very exciting year in our Village, and one that laid the foundations for ongoing projects and discussions.

In September, we broke ground on the Water Treatment Plant renewal and replacement project. Once the project is completed, this modern facility will benefit our community and improve our ability to deliver safe, quality water to our residents. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/2EhgpNG.

2018 also saw the beginning of the Town Center Project discussions, as we began asking residents to envision the next 10 years. What will improve the uses within Town Center? What will provide value to our community? How can we, the Village, improve the Town Center for the next generation? The conversation continues in 2019, with our second Public Input meeting taking place this month. We invite you to join us and be part of the conversation. Check back on our website wellingtonfl.gov for updates and make sure to Like and Follow us on Facebook & Twitter. 

On Monday, January 15th, we will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Let us remember Dr. King’s work and his belief that a person’s worth should not be measured by the color of their skin, culture, or class, but rather by their commitment to creating a better life for all and dedication to servicing others. I encourage everyone to help promote Dr. King’s legacy by searching for opportunities to help others in the community. Remember, no good deed or kind gesture is too large, or too small.

As you plan for the year ahead, whether it’s spending more time with the family, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or volunteering and getting involved in our community, Wellington offers numerous programs, opportunities and activities that will help you keep those resolutions.

Wellington’s Parks and Recreation Department is committed to offering programs and activities for the entire family.  We are starting the year off with a number of family-friendly events. On Thursday, January 17th join us for FREE family fun and activities at our series of “Family Fun Nights” on Lake Wellington, located behind the Wellington Community Center. The January event will feature a “Country-Western” theme. See our Parks & Recreation Program Guide for a complete list of Winter & Spring events taking place around our Village.

Enjoy ongoing free entertainment at the Wellington Amphitheaterwith live concerts, movie nights, and local singers.  Our Thursday night Food Truck Invasion continues this month with live music at each event. For more details, view our January schedule here: https://bit.ly/2BUm8ou.

If you enjoy the Wellington Green Market, or if you haven’t had a chance to experience it yet, you still have a few weeks left to stop by.  The Green Market runs through April 27th, and then returns again in October.  The market opens at 9:00 AM every Saturday this month at the Amphitheater. 

To more about our Free family-friendly events and year-round entertainment, visit our Upcoming Events page.

One very serious resolution we all must make is to promote safety and educate ourselves about crimes of opportunity.   Whether at the grocery store or in your driveway, remember to always lock your car door, and put valuables out of sight. We have been spreading this message through our Wellington TV channel, social media, and our newsletter, and encourage you to share it with your friends and neighbors. Take a look at this message by Councilwoman Tanya Siskind; it includes simple steps we can all take to stay safe: http://bit.ly/2tHPm3X

On behalf of Council and staff, I wish everyone the best for 2019.  There is so much to look forward to as we kick off this New Year. I encourage you to participate in our quality, fun, family-friendly events, and to stay active in our Great Hometown.  It is an honor to serve and work with you, and I can’t wait to see everyone around the Village this year and at all our upcoming events.