July, 2009 – Wellington Cares Clearinghouse

July 7, 2009
Wellington Cares Clearinghouse

Greetings, Friends!  
       I’m back from the month in Australia and a week at Friends General Conference and the Wellington Cares Clearinghouse porch is open!  Donations continue to pour in, thanks to all you generous people.  A special thanks to the Wellington Mom’s Club for all the beautiful baby items.  Hope you’re all doing ok in these difficult economic times.
       There have been some changes in the last 2 months.  The Glades Area Pantries in Pahokee has closed, at least temporarily, and moved operations to Trinity International Church in Lake Worth.  The same procedures apply, same donations are accepted, and Ron Sherman still comes to my house from Pahokee Monday, Thurs, Friday or Sat.  One good bit of news from this is that the church ships containers to Haiti and is willing to take pill vials.  So bring ’em on!  (If you can, put small ones inside large.)
        7″ knitted or crocheted squares have been removed from the donation’s list.  I just got overwhelmed by those bags of squares!  But lap robes are still welcomed by the Pahokee Nursing Home & Ron is glad to drop them off.  He’ll also take medical supplies to a doctor in Pahokee, but pills must be within shelf life date and in blister packs.  
        We finally heard from Moira Morgan in Kingston, Jamaica that she got the kids’ books, clothes, toys and adult diapers, so we know Food For the Poor does get through.  We’ll probably be taking another shipment to them in the fall.  FFTP has a specific list of donations, mostly anything but adult clothing.  
         Here’s the latest press release for hotel samples.  Two women at the Quaker Meeting volunteer at Caring Kitchen in Boca Raton, for the working poor and homeless, and are very glad to get the hygiene kits.  
          Soon we’ll be putting together more midwife kits for Haiti.  We seem to have plenty of beautiful crocheted caps and onesies, but need a lot more new or gently used receiving blankets.   
                       Thanks, thanks, and more thanks for all you do, try to stay cool, & much love, Ellie

July 7, 2009
Planning a trip this summer?  A cruise or motel stay?  As the economy worsens, more families are in need of basic necessities.  Wellington Cares Clearinghouse is currently collecting hotel samples for hygiene kits for homeless families in Palm Beach County.  To donate unused shampoo, soap, lotion, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste or other hygiene items, call Ellie Caldwell at 790-5499.
Contact person:  Ellie Caldwell  790-5499