July, 2010 – Four Websites to Slow Unwanted Mail


Living GreenChristine Smith

Four Websites to Slow Unwanted Mail

By Christine Smith

Did you know that 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water are used each year to produce junk mail?  Chances are that you’re receiving quite a bit of junk mail yourself.  So, why not take some time today to reduce the junk mail arriving in your mailbox daily. 

Here are four websites to help you slow the flow of unwanted mail.

1) www.catalogchoice.com

Catalog Choice contacts catalog providers for the recipient and asks that the recipient be removed from a specific mailing list.  Simply identify the catalogs that you want to continue receiving and those that you would like to stop receiving.  It’s that easy!

2)  www.dmachoice.org

DMA choice is a website that uses an online tool developed by the Direct Marketing Association.  This online tool allows you to choose which businesses you want to contact you.  In addition, the tool provides access to some of the largest direct marketers in the country and is user friendly.

3) www.optouprescreen.com

This online service allows you to opt out of receiving credit card offers for either a period of two years or permanently.  Don’t be alarmed when this service asks for your social security number, full name, address, and telephone number.  This information is secure and is necessary for them to opt you out.  Whether you want to opt out permanently or for just two years, this same service makes it simple for you to opt back in at anytime you with.  If you rather not provide this information online you may also call 1.888.5.OPTOUT (567-8688).

4) www.yellowpagesoptout.com

Yellow Pages Opt Out is a service that allows you to enter your zip code to find the phone book publishers in your area that are participating in the opt out requests.  After locating the phone book publishers in your area, you will need to notify each publisher individually to notify them that you would like delivery stopped.

These are just a few websites that assist with managing your unwanted junk mail.  There are also other non-profit organizations that will opt out of junk mail for you for a nominal fee.  Check out www.myjunktree.com for more information. Still not convinced that you should spend some time managing your junk mail? According to www.myjunktree.com  reducing your junk mail for 5 years, you’ll conserve 1.7 trees and 700 gallons of water, and prevent 460 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere — and you’ll gain about 350 hours of free time!  That’s just one person, imagine the impact if we all did this.  What are you waiting for?  Do this today for a greener environment tomorrow!

Christine Smith is a Principal, as well as the Director of Marketing for Fine Lions, Inc. Fine Lions specializes in a proprietary Eco-friendly wood graining process that is applied to non wood products to give them the appearance of natural wood. This earth conscious application may be done on exterior and interior doors, garage doors, kitchen and bath cabinets, as well as other surfaces.  To learn more, visit http://www.finelions.com.