July/August, 2011 – When Life Spills Your Coffee


July/August, 2011 Krista Martinelli and kids    


Dear Readers,


Happy July/August! 



They say that when life gives you lemons, you should lemonade. But what do they say when life gives you a spilled cup of coffee, a mess to clean up and breaks the coffee mug too? 


This is how my morning started off today. I woke up and was chatting with my husband. I was making a point, a grandiose point that required elbow room, and I knocked over my over-sized, filled-to-the-brim mug of coffee and it shattered on the kitchen floor. Besides picking up sharp pieces of ceramic around the kitchen, we had to do strange things in order to clean up this spill – like removing a front panel from the bottom of the fridge. And sifting through a container of various straws and kids’ cutlery, that was also sprayed and dripping with coffee.  The coffee was everywhere.  So instead of doing the things I had planned on, we spent a good 20 minutes trying to get the kitchen back to normal.  I went outside to the garden hose to spray down the refrigerator panel and my flip flops.  While out by the garden, I noticed a big, beautiful caterpillar, probably caught in the act of eating our tomato plant.  So I called the kids over and we took a few moments to stare at the caterpillar, a mini-science lesson at 7:30am.     


So while the kids were ogling at this caterpillar, I noticed that there were a few mangos that fell to the ground last night and brought them inside. I ended up cutting into the most gorgeous mango of the whole summer. On the outside, it was yellow, orange and red – ripened to perfection. Its orange flesh was still hot from being outside and so perfectly ripe, it tasted like a bite of pure, delicious summer. It wouldn’t have been quite as good yesterday or even tomorrow, if left on the ground to the ducks and birds. So I guess what I’m saying in my convoluted way is – when “life spills out your coffee,” just forget it and go get a mango outside.  If you can! 


Welcome to our combined July/August issue!  We have so many terrific articles, thanks to our AroundWellington writers this month.  Watch out for a few more articles August 1st, as usual, and a new contest too! 


Please take a moment to read about the wonderful things going on over at the Wellness Experience over in Kobosko’s Crossing in our AW Spotlight article. Dr. Randy Laurich and his staff have taken Wellness into their own hands, getting very disciplined themselves with diet and exercise.  Laurich gives us a little introduction to the high-tech tools he uses to get excellent results in his chiropractic office – the ProAdjuster and the DRX9000.  See the two videos within the article.    


I was delighted to join a group of Moms and kids for a great tour of California Pizza Kitchen.  Check out the story and how to arrange your own tour – see “Mommy Moments.”  The CPK Kids tour culminates in the kids’ making their own personal-sized pizzas and eating them.  See the videos of the CPK Tour in action too.


Hey Parents!  Speaking of fun things to do, see what local mom Shawn Thompson has added to our “Kids’ Corner” article.  I think you will love the new “Kids Get Freebies and Cheapies” section!  And of course, she continues to update the “Kids Eat FREE” section too. Thank you, Shawn! 


THANKS to all of our writers, photographers, advertisers and to you, our dear readers!  This month we welcome new advertiser Miami Kids Music.  As you can tell from the name, they are coming from Miami and opening a new location in Wellington, a great place for kids and parents to learn together.  See the video for an example of Miami Kids Music doing what they do best – on their website.


Hope you’re having a wonderful summer and staying cool!


Here’s our table of contents, showing you everything that’s new for this month. So see below or just visit www.AroundWellington.com to explore.



Around Wellington in Pictures

As I Was Saying

Ask Dr. Z

Astrology at Work

AW Coupons

AW Spotlight

AW Stories of the Month

By the Numbers


Cantankerously Yours


Creature Feature

Health & Fitness

Kids’ Corner

Living Green

Mommy Moments

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

Teen Talk

Travel with Terri


Please feel free to contact me if you ever have questions or suggestions: [email protected].




Krista Martinelli

