by Glenn R. Swift
Alexander Nevsky – Reuniting the Eagle and the Bear
Star and producer of soon-to-be-released action film “Treasure Raiders” using the power of motion pictures to build Russian/American friendship
Named after a 13th century warrior who routinely knocked the teeth out of his Teutonic Knight opponents, Russian film star Alexander Nevsky, 35, grew up a book nerd studying history, philosophy, science, mathematics, economics, art, music and literature. Of course, like most young people in the former Soviet Union, Nevsky also learned his share of Marxism, too. As for athletics, there was little time for such trivial activity in such an academically focused home. After all, he was the son of an economist and an engineer. Then again, the skinny young Alex was barely more than a sack of bones − not exactly suited for that kind of thing anyway.

But at age 13, something happened that would forever change Nevsky’s life and the lives of countless others.
“It was 1986 and things were really starting to open up under Mikhail Gorbachev and perestroika. All of a sudden we were being exposed to things from the West in ways that had never been possible. Well, that year my mother bought some tickets to the Moscow International Film Festival, and I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger on the screen for the first time. I was blown away and thought to myself, ‘If he can do it, so can I.’”
The skinny book nerd began weight lifting and learning everything he could about physical fitness and nutrition. He also began intense training in the martial arts and kick boxing. Seven years after his first Schwarzenegger movie, Nevsky was named Mr. Russia. Two years after that, at the ripe old age of 22, he was crowned Mr. World.
Despite his amazing accomplishments as an athlete, Nevsky’s thirst for academia never abated.
“In 1997 I wrote a book, How to Become a Schwarzenegger in Russia, and it became a best seller,“ said Nevsky, who now has five best sellers to his credit in his native land. Nevsky, who is as comfortable discussing Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn as he is filmmaking or health and fitness, has recently earned a Ph.D. in economics.
“My doctorate has helped me a great deal in understanding the business end of producing movies,” quipped Nevsky.
The book and the weightlifting titles led to Nevsky’s quick rise to fame as a television and movie star in Russia. In fact, Nevsky not only became Russia’s leading film star, but his weekly television show began drawing over 50 million viewers.
Still, there was a chapter in the star’s life that had yet to be written.
“From that moment as a 13-year-old seeing Arnold, I wanted to come to and live in America.”
Finally, in 1998 Nevsky began living out that dream – the American Dream.
“Almost as soon as I got off the plane, I felt right at home. The American people are great people and I love them.”
Shortly after his arrival in the United States, Nevsky headed to Southern California. But the Russian action hero and world weightlifting champion was not content merely to live the good life. Intent on honing his acting skills, he quickly enrolled in the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in Los Angeles. It didn’t take long for Nevsky to make a statement in Hollywood as word spread quickly among directors and producers alike about Nevsky’s brute strength, extraordinary athletic ability and captivating screen presence.
He also began perfecting his English skills with the help of UCLA’s renowned Extension Lifelong Learning program. Although he retains a modest Russian accent, Nevsky has definitely mastered his new language.
These days, Nevsky has settled in comfortably to the Southern California lifestyle. He holds a “green card” and lives in Los Angeles 8-10 months out of the year. Nevertheless, he remains steadfastly loyal to his Motherland.
“I love Russia and am very proud to be a Russian. I’ve been asked many times to bash my country and my leaders to gain publicity for my films, but I want no part of that. What I do want to do is to bring our two countries together. We have differences, but we are two great nations. We need to stand together as an example to the world.”
Nevsky isn’t just blowing smoke. Twice the star has turned down potentially lucrative roles offered by big time Hollywood producers out of his unwillingness to play the “Russian bad guy.”
“There are stereotypes that Russians and Americans have of each other that are rooted in years of distrust. Unfortunately, the media and many moviemakers seek to exploit these myths. In America the Russian is usually the bad guy, and in Russia the American typically plays that same role. In my movies, I will always show Russians and Americans standing together to fight evil. That’s how we defeated the Nazis, and that’s how we will defeat the next great enemy.”
With regard to World War II and his country’s role in the destruction of the Third Reich, Nevsky speaks passionately about the incalculable sacrifice of his parent’s and grandparent’s generations during what Russians proudly refer to as “The Great Patriotic War.”
“Russia is changing every day for the better, but none of it would have been possible if it had not been for the sacrifice of over 20 million of my countrymen.”
Nevsky’s determination to be the best he can be is a tribute to those who have gone before him. And like the highly-paid action hero he aspires to be, he is keen to show that he really is the good guy – and a Russian good guy at that. In keeping with his “White Knight” role, whenever provided the opportunity Nevsky unabashedly assails the taking of steroids and adamantly professes the merits of education.
“Brains are every bit as important as muscles,” said Nevsky.
As for his source of inspiration in going forward, the action hero need look no further than his beautiful Russian wife, Katya, who also appears in his soon-to-be-released film, Treasure Raiders.
“I am so proud to have Katya in the film,” said Nevsky. “Now my mother and mother-in-law can be proud together,” Nevsky laughed.
With regard to the new film, Treasure Raiders features Nevsky as a Russian street racing star who is challenged by a sly American racer. As they both rival for control on the streets of Moscow, they are compelled to put aside their differences and band together to search for a lost Templar treasure. With time, police, and the mafia against them, the dynamic duo is cast into a life or death struggle to find the treasure. Directed by Brent Huff, the action thriller combines heart-stopping special effects and top-shelf acting with the help of co-stars David Carradine, Steven Brand, Sherilyn Fenn and Olga Rodionova. Distributed by Maverick Entertainment Group, Inc. (, the film won critical acclaim at the recent Delray Beach Film Festival (, and its scheduled release date is Tuesday, June 2.
As for the future, Nevsky is not at all ready to sit back and relax. In fact, he is already putting together his next project. His next film will once again feature Russians and Americans standing together in a noble cause by focusing upon the historic meeting of the U.S. and Red Armies at the Elbe River in the closing days of World War II.
In the meantime, if you’re walking down Rodeo Drive or Wilshire Blvd. and happen to run into Alexander Nevsky, don’t be afraid to ask him his opinion about Obama’s economic recovery strategy or the future of Russian-American relations. You see… It’s a funny thing. Not only is he a heck of a nice guy, but when confronted with sophisticated questions about politics and economics…unlike so many of his Hollywood contemporaries…Alexander Nevsky has something meaningful to say.
Glenn R. Swift is a freelance writer and editor living in Jensen Beach. Winner of the Florida Magazine Association’s 1999 Bronze Award for Writing Excellence, Swift is one of the most acclaimed entertainment writers in South Florida. He is the Editor and Co-Founder of , the definitive Arts & Entertainment website for Palm Beach and the Treasure
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