June, 2009 – Solar Day



First Annual SolarDay

 to be held on Sunday, June 21

the First Day of Summer




The first annual SolarDay (www.solarday.com)  will be held nationwide on the first day of Summer – Sunday, June 21, 2009 – to educate the public about the benefits of solar energy and local solar installations in their area.


SolarDay is the first statewide and national recognition on the importance of solar energy to provide a source of energy that will reduce the U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil.  This is an annual event held each year on the first day of Summer.


John Reed, Director of Elevator Communications, LLC – creator of SolarDay – explained the need for this new annual celebration of American energy independence through the adoption of solar energy installations and policies:


“While oil prices have recently declined, the party’s over for cheap fossil fuels, forever.  Sooner or later we’ll be looking, again, at $4.50 a gallon gasoline and we need to focus on steps we can take, as individuals and businesses – to permanently reduce our need on fossil fuels and the environmental hazards of greenhouse gases.  The new Obama administration provides us with a fresh start to dramatically grow the solar and green energy we need to meet our energy needs.


“The importance of solar energy has been recognized by the U.S. Congress, which included an 8-year extension of the 30% energy investment tax credit (ITC) in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and removed the $2,000 cap which enables homeowners to fully use the 30% ITC.”



About SolarDay, 2009


SolarDay 2009 is the first in an annual, state-by-state and national day of recognition for the growth of solar energy in the U.S. and a celebration of the growth in our energy independence.


SolarDay will be held on the first day of Summer each year.


Solarday.com is also the first consumer portal for information about solar energy and companies on a state-by-state basis so consumers can contact local solar installers to find out more about tax credits, costs and the benefits of energy independence. More information is available at: www.solarday.com.




Ten Ideas for SolarDay 2009 Local Community Events


Sunday, June 21 – the first day of summer




Do Your Own Thing


1 – SolarDay 2009, Run for the Sun:  how about a nice, friendly 5K walk and run event on a pleasant Sunday, June 21 – with proceeds donated to a fine, local environmental cause in your hometown.  A SolarDay Walk-A-Thon would also be great.


2 – SolarDay 2009, show Me Your Solar: How about a self-guided tour of local solar homes and businesses so people can see, firsthand, how solar works on a practical basis?


3 – SolarDay 2009, My Town Eco-Tour: Most towns have cool eco-elements many people don’t know about.  Why not an Eco-Tour on SolarDay 2009 to check out the people and places that are living and working eco-friendly in your town?


4 – SolarDay 2009, Going Green – Ten Steps To Sustainability: Need an expert for SolarDay?  Your local solar energy company can help, as can the U.S. Green Building  Council and local organizations that would be happy to discuss steps everyone can take to live better, greener lives.


5 – SolarDay 2009, Save Energy: Again, your local solar company can give plenty of advice on saving energy in the home and workplace.  There are also experts from your local utility available to talk to SolarDay 2009 participants about saving energy – everything from turning back the thermostat to long-lasting, energy-efficient lightbulbs to natural lighting to . . . it’s a long list of practical, inexpensive ideas that can help reduce the costs of energy in our daily lives.


6 – SolarDay 2009, Eco-Home, Eco-Business:  We can start improving the quality of our homes and workplaces with low VOC paints, recycled carpets, natural glues and adhesives, natural cleaning products, recycled products, eco-friendly flooring and natural bamboo, FSC-certified wood products – this is a great place to start with an expert speaker about simple tips to improve the eco-quality of our homes and businesses.


7 – SolarDay 2009, Start Your Organic Garden – you can’t grow one without the sun.  Why not have an organic gardening expert at SolarDay 2009 to talk about chemical-free foods, natural and organic and biodynamic gardening.  All good.


8 – SolarDay 2009, Solar Oven Competition: Speaking of food, why not have a solar-oven competition?  These are easy to build (just Google solar ovens), lots of different designs, you can actually cook food at SolarDay 2009, outside in the sun and offer those delectables to participants at your local event.  Rather cool – and hot enough to cook with.


9 – SolarDay 2009, Green Getaway Silent Auction: Speaking of green, your organization can create a list of cool green destinations as a vacation getaway to the lucky bidder.  We’ve all obtained sponsors for silent auctions for our schools and organizations, why not a green getaway weekend package with a green hotel, local organic restaurant, maybe a natural winery – you get the idea. A little creativity and a little work will go a long way toward creating a fun, green getaway package.


10 – SolarDay 2009, Green Photo Contest: Invite your community to post their green photos on your organization’s website to share what folks are doing, in your town, to live green.

For more information, contact:

John Reed, Principal

Elevator Communications, LLC

[email protected]

SolarDay 2009

San Francisco, CA

(415) 848-9080