June, 2010 – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Living GreenShakira Muneswar and her daughter Sabrina

Simple ways to help protect our environment and resources:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Compiled by Shakira Muneswar

With these tips, you can save time, money AND the planet.

If every American home replaced just one conventional light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes a year.  Also, please turn off lights, tvs and computers when not in use.  Unplug power cords that are not charging anything  -a plugged in cord will still pull some energy.

There are 1 million plastic bags used per minute worldwide.  Use reusable bags anytime you shop.  Target will credit you $.05 for each ‘green’ bag used for your purchases.  We all forget, so if you do get plastic remember to recycle it.  All Publix stores have convenient plastic bag recycle bins where you can drop off your plastic bags.

Even though roughly three quarters of the earth’s surface is water, only one percent of all water on the planet is available for humans. 
A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water, but taking a five-minute shower saves water by using 10 to 25 gallons.  Save even more – while brushing your teeth, remember to turn off the tap.

Did you know that not all fonts are created equal?  Some fonts actually use up more ink than others.  Century Gothic Font uses about 30% less ink than a regular Arial.  This tip sheet is printed using Century Gothic.  Using less ink means longer ink cartridge life.

Give a SMILE to someone or point out something nice that will make another feel good.  It’s free, requires very little energy or time, but the feeling it inspires in a return smile will light up a room.  J

Shakira Muneswar is a “green-conscious” mom, who recently coordinated a “Green Day” at Beginnings Preschool in Lake Worth. She normally takes turn with a couple other mothers writing our Mommy Moments column for AroundWellington.com.