June, 2012 – Kids Fitness Festival of the Palm Beaches


Kids Fitness Festival of the Palm Beaches


The 18th Annual Kids Fitness Festival of the Palm Beaches will be taking place at the Palm Beach County Convention Center on Wednesday, July 11th and Thursday, July 12th. The Palm Beach County Sports Commission is recruiting enthusiastic and hard working volunteers who enjoy sports!


Each July, over 5,000 South Florida youth gather for two days of fitness and fun. The Kids Fitness Festival of the Palm Beaches gives participants the opportunity to interact and test their skills in over 40 different traditional and non-traditional sport clinics with a professional from within each sport. Activities include tennis, fencing, soccer, football, wrestling, taekwondo, gymnastics, dance, golf, badminton, cheerleading, baseball and much more. In addition, there are midway activities with a rock wall, interactive games and team mascots. The day is full of plenty of interaction and fitness-oriented activities.

Volunteers are needed to assist with registration, hospitality, sport clinics and a variety of other areas. Volunteers receive an event t-shirt, access to the hospitality area and volunteer hours can be applied to community service requirements. Included, please find the Volunteer Application and Waiver Form. If you would like to volunteer, please complete this information and return to Missy Gard at[email protected] or 561.233.3125(fax).


Thank you for your consideration and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 561.233.3121. We hope to see you at the 2012 Kids Fitness Festival of the Palm Beaches!