June, 2012 – PBC NOW


JUNE 1-3, 2012
Theme: “2012: WHAT’S AT STAKE?”
Hilton Palm Beach Airport, 150 Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach FL
Join your host chapter, Palm Beach County NOW, for a weekend of timely and challenging speakers and workshops, combining the personal and political.  We will focus on the 2012 elections and what is at stake for the state of Florida and the nation.  
     There will be opportunity to meet and strategize with feminists from throughout Florida, and elected officials who support women’s rights.  Relax poolside or spend a free Saturday night exploring nearby Cityplace and downtown West Palm Beach. 
Name_____________________________________Member ID#________________
Member of Chapter_________________________________Non- Member________
NOW members $75 includes Saturday lunch. 
Non-members $80, or $90 includes one year membership.
Students and special needs $75-40 (suggested)
All are welcome to Conference events regardless of ability to pay, but Saturday lunch is included at $40 or above.
Make check payable to FL NOW Conference
Mail to: FL NOW Treasurer Natalie Andre
            14782 Wood Lodge Lane
            Delray Beach FL 33484
Call 800-HILTONS or 561-684-9400 for hotel reservations at the Hilton.  Smoke free facility.
Special Conference rate is $99 + tax/ double room per night and includes breakfast buffet for 2.
Reserve by May 4 to guarantee the conference rate.  Mention FL NOW Conference.
Do you need childcare______________________ (age of children)
Do you have special needs _____________________________________________(specify)