June, 2014 – Kravis Center Honors Board of Directors



Annual appreciation luncheon features topnotch Broadway entertainment

(WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.)  Recently, a special luncheon was held in honor of the Kravis Center’s Board of Directors, Life Trustees and Standing Committee Members.  The annual event, sponsored for the eighth consecutive year, by board Vice Chair Laurie Silvers and her husband Mitchell Rubenstein. Guests were treated to a special live performance by Neil Berg’s 106 Years of Broadway, highlighting some of Broadway’s most iconic hits.

Jane Mitchell, Bill Meyer, Laurie Silvers.
Jane Mitchell, Bill Meyer, Laurie Silvers.

In her opening remarks, Jane Mitchell, Kravis Center Board Chair, welcomed guests and provided a recap of the Kravis Center’s spectacular season, spanning from Rockettes to rock stars.  The Center’s Kravis on Broadway series completed its sixth season with more than 6,000 subscribers, and more than 365,000 people attended events at the Center, with performances still ongoing.

Stephen Brown, Eileen Berman, Stuart Frankel. Photos by Corby Kaye's Studio Palm Beach.
Stephen Brown, Eileen Berman, Stuart Frankel. Photos by Corby Kaye’s Studio Palm Beach.

Ms. Mitchell acknowledged the success of the Center’s two largest fundraisers, the Palm Beach Wine Auction, which raised nearly $400,000, and the annual Gala, which raised $350,000.  She noted that leadership was instrumental to the benefits’ success, and she personally acknowledged Founder and Chair of the Palm Beach Wine Auction Ted Mandes, Gala Chair Monika Preston, Gala Honorary Chair Kathryn Vecellio and Gala Junior Co-Chairs Cameron Preston, Angela Vecellio and Tara Vecellio; and extended appreciation to Laurie Silvers and the members of the Development Committee for serving as the Gala committee. Ms. Mitchell also acknowledged and thanked Young Friends Co-Chairs Zachary Berg and Cory Valentine for their leadership as they prepared for the final special event for the season, the annual Reach for the Stars hosted by the Young Friends of the Kravis Center on April 26.

Mitchell continued by recognizing several significant donations.  “I am pleased to announce that with the recent $5 million bequest from the estate of Helen K. Persson, the Permanently Restricted Endowment Fund now has a market value of $17.3 million. I also want to thank David Kosowsky, Chair of the Information Technology Committee, for his leadership and generous donation of $500,000 to establish the Ingrid and David Kosowsky Technology Development Fund.  This fund will be used to implement the technological priorities for the Center to stay current and to become a trendsetter in this area.  By leading the technology effort with this gift, it is Ingrid and David’s intent to inspire others to also contribute to the Fund,” said Mitchell.

Ms. Mitchell then acknowledged the Standing Committee Chairs in attendance including Sidney Kohl, Audit; John Jenkins, Community Relations; George Elmore, Corporate Partners; Laurie Silvers, Development; Dr. Barbara Golden, Education Advisory; Joseph Sanches, Employee Relations and Benefits; Bill Meyer, Finance; Michael Bracci, Governance/Nominating; Dr. David Kosowsky, Information Technology; Stephen Brown, Investment; Amin Khoury, Operations; and Mark Levy and Lee Wolf, Strategic Planning.

She concluded her speech by giving personal recognition to Kravis Center CEO, Judy Mitchell (no relation to Jane Mitchell), recognizing her outstanding leadership for nearly 25 years.  She noted that Judy Mitchell will be honored at the upcoming Annual Women in Leadership Awards Luncheon, presented by the Executive Women of the Palm Beaches.

Ms. Mitchell then introduced Laurie Silvers who shared how the Kravis Center’s education program is changing the lives of students in our community and making friends around the world.  Silvers also shared about the impact exposure to the arts, at a young age, had on her life.  “How wonderful it is to know that the Kravis Center can make a child’s life more enjoyable, meaningful, and fun!   That is one of the reasons that I choose to support the Kravis Center and its education programs,” said Silvers

Later during the lunch, Judy Mitchell took the stage to address the all-star team of Board Members, Life Trustees, Committee Members and staff, noting that the Center’s business model is as healthy as ever.

“According to a recent Pollstar report, the only publication which measures the number of tickets sold by all concert venues around the world with up to 10,000 seats, ticket sales for Dreyfoos Hall consistently rank high, with the Kravis Center ranking the highest in the State of Florida.”  Ms. Mitchell continued, “In the first quarter 2014 report, the Kravis Center was the fourth largest concert ticket seller in the world among the top 50 venues.  In the year ending December 2013, the Kravis Center ranked fifteenth overall in the world, only behind such theaters a Radio City Music Hall in New York, the Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and the Royal Albert Hall in London, all with much greater seating capacity.  Thank you to Lee Bell and his programming team for creating a season with something for everyone.”

To highlight the luncheon, performers of 106 Years of Broadway treated guests to a variety of numbers from some of Broadway’s most recognizable shows, including Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables and Evita.  Additionally, Janette Byadell, a performer who has starred in a variety of musicals, entertained guests with Aretha Franklin’s “You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman” and the closing number, Dreamgirl’s “And I Am Telling You.”  The crowd of art-supporters applauded with delight, as Judy Mitchell came back on stage.

“Now that 106 Years of Broadway has you in the mood, remember to tell all your friends about our exciting 2014-2015 Kravis on Broadway season.  The seventh season is packed with Tony Award-winning shows, including The Book of Mormon, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Flashdance the Musical, Anything Goes, Memphis and Pippin.”  She continued, “Let me close by saying I truly am fortunate to work with so many hard working and dedicated Board, Life Trustees and Committee members.  You make the Kravis Center a special place, and there is no question that with your continued dedication and generosity the Center will remain the premier performing arts center in the Southeast with a growing national and international reputation.  Thank you for joining us today.”

Centrally located in West Palm Beach, the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts is one of the premier performing arts centers in the Southeast with a renowned national and international reputation. Established as a leading force in the social fabric of the community, its many outreach programs are as broad and varied as the community itself. To date, the Center has opened the door to the performing arts for approximately 2 million school children.

For general information about the Kravis Center, please visit the Center’s official website kravis.org or call the box office at (561) 832-7469.


Photo credit: Corby Kaye’s Studio Palm Beach