League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County To Host Online Orientation on Zoom for Potential New Members – May 15 at 10:30 am


League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County To Host Online Orientation on Zoom for Potential New Members – May 15 at 10:30 am

(West Palm Beach, FL – April 14, 2021) The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County (LWVPBC)today invited anyone interested in joining to a special Online Orientation via Zoom on Saturday, May 15, from 10:30 to 11:30 am. LWVPBC is the largest local League in the United States.

via lwvfl.org

“This is the perfect opportunity for anyone interested in joining the League or getting more involved in some of today’s leading civic and social issues,” says Darlene Kostrub, LWVPBC Membership Chair. “Attending will be 10 of the League’s Issue Group Leaders focused on such critical issues as the environment, civic education, voting rights, voting services, gun safety, education, advocacy and the national popular vote.”

In addition, there will also be a presentation on one of the League’s hottest current issues: Voter Suppression.

To register or for more information, please contact Kostrub at 561.852.0496  or [email protected].

About the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County:

The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. For more information, please visit www.lwvpbc.org or www.facebook.com/lwvpbc.