March, 2011 – Happy Spring!


March, 2011Krista Martinelli     


Dear Around Wellington Readers,


Happy March and Happy Spring! 


For some people, March brings to mind spring flowers, four-leaf clovers and green beer. For us at, March has become a month about “making a difference” in our community. All good things by the way, but I’m happy to focus on the latter and the many benefits of volunteering. For one of our “AW Stories of the Month,” writer Lois Spatz reflects on the importance of volunteering in our schools and what she has learned, over time, as a parent volunteer.


In “By the Numbers,” Tom Copeland takes a closer look at the good work of Mother Teresa. He writes, “At the time of her death in 1997, her Missionaries of Charity operated 610 missions in 123 countries . . .” What started as a small effort eventually spread around the globe!


If you ever need a therapist, wouldn’t you like to have someone who listens well, makes you laugh and offers reasonable suggestions? I’m happy to feature Dr. Laura Zipris this month in our “AW Spotlight” article. She assists individuals, couples and groups in their needs with a focus in Imago Relationship Therapy. And according to her patients, she is someone who “gets it” and truly understands.  Also, you can refer to her monthly article “Ask Dr. Z” for some helpful advice, which is on the topic of cyber bullying this month.


In “Cultural Corner,” Marla E. Schwartz gives a preview of an important event in the world of dance, Choreography: The Art of the Solo, Ballet, Modern and Jazz. The event, which takes place on March 12th at the Crest Theatre in Delray Beach, features 18-32 year-old contestants in our area.


Can you function well without your morning coffee?  Yes, me neither.  In Alan Williamson’s “As I Was Saying,” he writes a beautifully funny tribute to his beloved morning coffee.  He offers gems like this – “Coffee helps me quickly hone in on important facets of the day ahead, like whether it’s a Tuesday or a Saturday, where I’m expected to be at what time, and if I should be wearing long pants or shorts.” Great stuff, Alan!


Here are just a few happenings in our community where you can make a difference this month! 



Don’t forget to enter our easy Contest, which runs from March. 1st – 10th! The winner will receive a one-hour massage at Massage Envy in Royal Palm Beach, something definitely worth trying for!  


Thanks, as always, to our wonderful AroundWellington® writers and photographers! Once again I haven’t covered even half of the great material here, so please use this table of contents – or go directly to our home page to explore. Dear readers, I invite your feedback, so please send it my way: [email protected].



Around Wellington in Pictures

As I Was Saying

Ask Dr. Z

Ask the Docs

AW Coupons

AW Spotlight

AW Stories of the Month

By the Numbers


Cantankerously Yours


Creature Feature

Cultural Corner

Health & Fitness

Kids’ Corner

Lighten Up with Lisa

Living Green

Mommy Moments

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

Teen Talk

Travel with Terri



Thanks to our terrific interns Stephanie Courtois and Damon Webb!  And thanks to you, dear readers!




Krista Martinelli
