March, 2012 – Can You Kangoo?


Can you Kangoo? Bounce into the Fitness Craze at the Wellington Community Center!



Now is the perfect time of year to “spring” out of your workout rut and into a class that actually makes fitness fun! Wellington is pleased to welcome Lisa Liebman of Just Bounce, Inc. and her Kangoo Jumps class to the Parks & Recreation program lineup. Originally developed for joggers to reduce impact on joints, the new, innovative Kangoo Jumps boots provide all the benefits of “rebound exercise” such as improved cardiovascular health, increased bone mass, weight loss, and stress reduction. Classes consist of everything from “boot camp” style drills to running and dancing done at your own pace.


The first eight-week session begins Tuesday, April 3rd at the Wellington Community Center located at 12150 Forest Hill Boulevard.  Classes are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The cost to attend one class per week for eight weeks is $100 for Wellington residents and $125 for non-residents, or step up your results with two classes per week for eight weeks at a cost of $180 for Wellington residents and $225 for non-residents.


Participants must be at least 16 years of age and must register for this program in advance by visiting the Parks & Recreation page online at, via fax or in person at the Wellington Community Center (12150 Forest Hill Boulevard) or Village Park (11700 Pierson Road). For specific details and the latest program information, visit or contact Julie Strow, Programs Coordinator, at (561) 753-5262.


For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.