March, 2012 – My Escape


img_1094Teen Talk

My Escape

By Jessica Small


Can you hear it? Water is crashing down on itself. Can you feel it? Tiny grains are slipping between toes, and sticking to skin. Solar radiation is baking people in tiny outfits to a deeper, richer, slightly pinker shade.


I’ve been a Floridian for 13 years, and that has hindered me. I lost appreciation for my proximity to the beach. I lost the love of picking up seashells, and architecting a mini empire out of squishy, shapeable sand. I never realized just how vast the ocean was, and how magnificent the sun looks, tucked between clouds, as it floats over the horizon in the morning.


But I’ve recently redeemed myself. Now that I’ve had my driver’s license for over a year, I’ve made it a priority to hit the beach more often. And you know what? I don’t take it for granted any more. It’s more than a topographical feature to me. It’s my escape.


That might sound corny, I’m aware. But it’s the utmost truth. When I need a break or a reality check, I know the cure. Slip into my swimsuit, strap on my sandals, hop in my dads Acura, and drive. Drive until all I can see is blue. It’s the best therapy, really. I contemplate everything on my mind on the way there, lose my thoughts the second my toes touch sand, and recharge on the way back. So, yeah, it’s my escape, no matter how cliché that might be.


What constitutes an escape anyway? Is it the way you feel when you’re there or the fact that you don’t have to think at all? Is it the people you meet there? Or maybe it’s the isolation from everyone? Whatever it is, it’s pretty special. Isn’t it?


I’m sure you have someplace in mind. If not, you need one. Everyone does. After a long day or week or month, a place of repose is vital.


Sometimes, we forget that. I know I do. I get moving so fast, and I put so much on my plate until one day… One day it’s just too much. I shut down like an old Dell desktop computer from the 90’s, and then I take way too much time to restart again.


In the past month, that’s been a particular issue for me. From ACT test prep and never-ending school work, to volunteer projects and extracurricular activities, I have barely gotten a chance to breathe. Now, all I can think about is the upcoming spring break.


That’s when the escape means the most. If I can pull myself together just long enough for a rational thought, I’ll convince myself to go out to Palm Beach. To drink the sunlight like water, and let the salty air seep through my pores.


So, as a favor to me, do yourself a favor. Find that escape, and visit it sometime soon. Spring break, or not, give yourself a chance to relax and appreciate all the work you’ve been doing, and all of the things you’ve accomplished. And if you’re at the beach, keep an eye out for me. With any luck, I’ll make it out there again, too.


Jessica Small is a junior at Wellington High School. She is the Sports Editor of the school’s online publication, She is enrolled in rigorous courses at WHS and aspires to go to Emory University, following in her brother’s footsteps. She is involved in her high school dance team and is president of ThinkPinkKids.