March, 2012 – We Made It? Child Safety Today


Melanie LewisMommy Moments

We Made It?  Child Safety Today

By Melanie Lewis

One of our parental duties is to keep our kids safe.  Recently there was a contentious email circulating called, We Made It !!!!  We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them.  Little League had tryouts  and not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment. These generations have produced some of the best  risk-takers,  problem-solvers, and inventors ever. The past 50 to 85 years have seen an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. If YOU are one of those born between 1925-1970, CONGRATULATIONS!

As I read it I couldn’t fathom letting the kids walk to school or go out of eyesight.  I got to thinking about how I grew up so entirely different than my kids. And then I started wondering if one is better than the other.  Were we reckless then or are we too protective now?  On the other hand, it seems as though there are too many worrisome stories about accidents and missing, abducted or abused children.  It seems particularly difficult to determine a balance.

First stop we visit on the safety road is basic childproofing.  You may need a child-proofing handyman if you’re – well – not so handy.  Additionally, it involves a lot of common sense.  Crawling kids are full of curiosity, so get down on the floor and see what looks like it could be interesting to little hands.  Tie down tall furniture.  It won’t tip over on your kids and you’re prepared for any sudden earthquakes.  This link ( leads you to four different local child proofing businesses, including the one below (in Wellington).


Anything You Want In Wood
Phone: (561) 515-4810
1488 Old Cypress Trail

Wellington, FL 33414
Serving You in Lake Worth, FL  


As the kids get older, they’re riding around on their bikes and scooters.  When that day arrives, we arm them with protective gear and words of caution.  We tell them to watch out for cars and look both ways.  But we also need to remind them of the actions to take when approached by someone they don’t know.  “Yell and tell” or “No and go” are the key phrases they need to say if someone asks them for directions or help them find their lost dog.  They need to learn to trust their instincts to be wary of these and any situation that makes them uncomfortable whether it’s from someone they know or not.  It’s ok not to answer.  Give them the words they can use to steer away from danger.  There are good videos for kids to watch.


Another good website,, provides lots of ideas and lesser known risks.  The complete walk around the car is one that needs to be done as children play around the car and are not seen when backing out of a driveway.  Letting your child hang on the shopping cart and ride is another thing than seems harmless, until your child falls off and gets injured. We witnessed this at Target one day. The older kid was pushing the younger one. They hit a bump and the younger kid fell backwards off the front and his head bounced like a ball on the hard concrete.


While the list seems to go on forever, keeping one step ahead and alert to the possible dangers is our job as parents.  After all, our kids will grow up someday and need to be on their own.


Melanie Lewis is the mother of 2 boys ages 5 and 8.   She is married and works part-time as Silpada representative and a weight loss consultant. She enjoys book club, and playing with her Blue-mitted Ragdoll, Percy and Golden Retriever, Rosie.  She can be reached at [email protected].