March, 2013 – Jolie DeMarco


Cultural Corner


Jolie DeMarco of My Flora Aura, an Enlightening Experience


By Marla E. Schwartz


Jolie DeMarco of My Flora Aura in Boca. Photo by Marla E. Schwartz.
Jolie DeMarco of My Flora Aura in Boca. Photo by Marla E. Schwartz.

There are many ways to define spirituality – whether one is a spiritual person in lieu of following a religious practice, whether it’s the religion they’re born into or not; the broad definition seems to fit most of us today as we lead ever increasingly busy lives. This broad definition is finding meaning in one’s life by transcending oneself, as well as being conscientious of our interactions with others. In simpler terms it means that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.


What exactly does this mean? It’s the ability of all humans to be able to sense things that cannot be perceived directly with our five senses but can be perceived by our natural universal ability to read each other’s energy – and so much more. Sure, this is probably something everyone is basically familiar with – or has at least heard about – but what most people don’t realize is that every eleven years a universal shift occurs allowing spirits from the light to help us clear our soul – releasing it from negative imprints such as bad habits, patterns and situations – so we can be more open to these light beings who want to help us transcend and communicate better.


This idea of experiencing these shifts and communicating with spirits from the light is the basis of two books written by Jolie DeMarco, locally based author, Certified Angel MessengerTM, Clairvoyant, Medium, Empath, Channel Messenger of the Light, Reiki Master, Intuitive, Automatic writer, Crystal healer and energetic Light Tunnel conduit.  This truly accomplished person is also the owner of the most beautiful Mindful Healing Center you’ve ever seen, My Flora Aura in Boca Raton, FL. The names of these books “THE 2ND SHIFT 2012 to 2021 HEALING” (how humans can learn to adapt to the new world; healing techniques, channeling, revelations) and “THE ENERGY EXCHANGE” (learn about equal energy exchange and how to explore your psychic intuition) are just two of many written by this versatile woman. She has also written some children’s books: “YOU AND ME + CHOUKY” (pronounced Chew-key) for six to ten-year-olds, “PLANES, TRAINS AND GOLF SHOES” and “THE ENCHANTED BOY” for three to six-year-olds.


Jolie’s overall goal is the wellness of the community and to share knowledge of alternative living and healing on all levels. She coined the term “We are all souls that live Together.TM” She’s been writing poems, short stories and funny songs and journals since the tender age of eight. She aspired to be a geologist and made jewelry from stones she found and polished by using a rock tumbler. Her favorite stone as a child was the ‘tiger’s eye’ which unbeknownst to her at the time is used for protection.

Although she didn’t become a geologist, it was a noble goal which set her on the direction of becoming one of the most up-and-coming spiritual guides of our time. Her goal isn’t to become famous though – trust me – it literally is to help as many people in their spiritual journey as possible. But if you haven’t heard of Jolie – if you haven’t been to My Flora Aura – it’s time for you to welcome her spiritual treasures into your life. My friend Bryan Hayes had been telling me for months that I needed to do just this and I found every excuse in the book not to do so, but one day I decided to stop in. I’m so glad I did. Not only has her guidance changed my life, but when I walk into her Mindful Healing Center – I feel at peace and as if I’m home. And I know that I’m not the only one who feels this way.


My Flora Aura in Boca Raton. Collage and images by Marla E. Schwartz.
My Flora Aura in Boca Raton. Collage and images by Marla E. Schwartz.

In addition to writing, Jolie worked in the floral industry for over

Scan this code to connect with My Flora Aura
Scan this code to connect with My Flora Aura
eighteen years. It began with a roadside flower stand (1996) and then she opened and operated two flower shops. She also taught floral design, specialized in wedding and special events and was awarded “Top Wedding Vendor 2008″ in South Florida. Additionally, she worked for Donald Trump as his “in-house” floral manager and designer of the prestigious Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL and his “Trump” International Golf Club.



Unfortunately, like many people, she has suffered adversity in life.  She has healed from mold poisoning, melanoma, and cervical spine surgery, all within the span of three years time. She often says these experiences gave her ‘character’, and she was ‘re-wired’ to be a clearer channel of messages and a conduit of healing energies – because of these adversities.


What is even more remarkable about Jolie is the assortment of mandalas she has designed. Not only is each one unique beyond compare – but the amount of mandalas she created and the card deck a friend suggested she create based on each one – is extraordinary. In Sanskrit, the word mandala means circle, center, or sometimes “sacred circle.” Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “a design symbolizing the universe.” Carl Jung calls them “archetypes of wholeness.” They have been used mainly as a communication tool, to connect with God, the higher self, the inner-self, the “source.” Mandalas have been used in many countries since ancient time for healing and meditation. These are sacred geometry symbols and should only be used with loving intentions. Jolie researched information about mandalas and received messages through channeled healing energies St. Germain, EROM – and after a significant period of time, she was gracefully instructed by all of them to paint these mandalas in order to help as many humans as possible, in order to adapt to the new shift.


The original mandalas are on display in her Mindful Healing Center, you can print them out by going to her website. If you purchase the card deck, they’ll always be available to you. You should use this intuitive healing mandala oracle card deck and not tarot cards (oracle decks in general are fine – and you can find these on sale in her shop) in order to make a positive connection with the spirit world. The cards will guide, amaze and amuse you. They’re something you’ll want to share with family, friends and your pets. You can use them during periods of meditation or to charge your water. The card deck comes with very easy instructions and on the back of each card there’s information that will pertain specifically to you and your life at the moment the card is chosen. Always choose three cards each time you use the deck.


If you are familiar with mandalas, you know that usually their shape is precise and symmetrical, but in Jolie’s case the complete opposite is true. “My channeled and guided paintings of mandalas are not all in perfect symmetric forms or perfect shapes and geometric properties. These energetic mandalas channeled through me are meant to be imperfect, just like all of us,” she said. They are meant for meditation, and when using crystals essences and certain hand positioning they are activated for high vibration healing on all levels. 


All of the mandalas are on display in Jolie’s center, but one of the most interesting ones is the mandala entitled “Birth of the New World” – which can be found on the wall in My Flora Aura’s  Reiki room. It shows that the birth of the new world, which began in 2012, symbolized in three months time where two moons appeared in the sky (this was painted before it happened – thus – a prophecy) will begin. The blue moon phenomenon did indeed occur in August, September and October 2012.


In 2010 Jolie opened My Flora Aura in order to combine all the beautiful and relaxing things in her life into one shop; things such as organic fair trade teas and products, an oxygen bar, books and oracle decks, numerous crystals and gemstones, jewelry, organic herbs, sage, aroma therapy/essential oils, paraffin and soy candles and every possible kind of incense. She provides a vast array of services such as beginning and advanced classes on gemstones and crystals, an energy session for healing, stress release and simply relaxing; there’s also Crystal healing, Reiki energy healing, and Shamanism sessions that are offered and each session can be can be tailored to your healing, advancement, releasing, cleansing or self realization needs. Several specialized meditations are offered – a favorite is meeting our animals and/or spirit guides or discovering past life experiences. Jolie also offers private and confidential clairvoyant readings with channeled messages from the Light, Reiki, vibration and crystal healing, workshops of green lifestyle, aroma-therapy, specialized meditation rooms and healing channeled mandalas. She also offers many workshops in various spiritual modalities and has welcomed other like-minded practitioners to join her and those she has trained – gives them opportunities to practice their craft(s). Her mission is to share her loving intentions with universal manifestations of life and love.


Jolie is very busy from the time she wakes up in the morning until the very moment she puts her head down to sleep – although even at rest – whether you believe it or not – she’s still working! But she allowed me a few hours of her time after a Reiki Circle session in order to answer many questions based upon the books she has written – and other things, too. Here are the questions and answers: What is your job title?

Jolie DeMarco: Most people call me The Messenger of the Light and I’m having a new logo that’ll be made and put on my door and my website and it will say ‘Jolie DeMarco – Messenger of the Light’  because most of the time when I receive messages for people and also for myself I’m purely just a channel. So I say it’s a messenger, and the name came about when people asked me to describe sessions that I do with people.

AW.COM: Your current book is about the 2nd Shift … so I’m curious what was the 1st Shift and did it also take place in different time periods and do you know if there will be a 3rd Shift?

JD: The 2nd Shift that started from August 31st, 2012 when we had the double blue moons; I do believe there was a first shift that came before that – because they’re telling me this is the second big shift – so this one is the awakening of all humans whether they know about it or not and with that they are showing me that there’s going to be several shifts within the 2nd shift. And after that there’s going to be another shift, if you want to call that the third, because I don’t know what they’ll call it by then; they did give me a name actually, in one of my readings – I don’t know if it’s in this book or not – but it’s going to start in 2025 – I think it’s in some of my notes for my other book – I think it may be in something I wrote recently because I’ve been writing a lot – it’s a new shift.


AW.COM: Have you ever seen Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday program?

JD: No.

AW.COM: The reason I’m asking you about it is because she had during one of these episodes she said that “a spiritual revolution is afoot” – I agree with her, do you feel the same way?

JD: Absolutely, that’s what the 2nd shift is about … people understand the energy exchange which is basically human to human, human to animals, human to everything that’s energy and everything is energy. So it’s with everything in the world having better energy exchange or positive energy exchange. Everything is about energy; like I said in my book “THE ENERGY EXCHANGE” is that people have entitlement issues. If I give you something you automatically think that you owe me or that you have to give me something back in return; my intention of when I’m giving you something is that I want you to smile and say thank you – acknowledgement. Everyone else in society or on TV makes you feel as if you have to give me something back and in business it’s a different story – but person to person or animal to animal it’s really bad, it’s sad. A lot of people aren’t used to accepting because they feel they have to reciprocate whether they can afford to or not. That part I feel is very important to understand.  It’s something we can all relate to because at some point we’ve been in that situation in our life and part of this shift is people understanding that; I want to teach people to understand that accepting is not taking; accepting is positive – if someone is taking from you that’s intentional, that’s negative. There’s a huge difference and people don’t realize the difference. You’re empowering someone when you receive something – people aren’t empowering each other, they’re not allowing people to do good things without wanting something in return. If you look at kids today so many will say, well – ‘you have to buy me a cell phone, mom and dad’ but I don’t really have to, but these kids are watching TV and this makes them feel they’re entitled to have everything they want – they’re demanding it. It’s about learning to have respect and value. When I was a kid I had a little store up in my room and a little cash register and I would make things and my parents would come to the store and check out. Sometimes I made stickers with tape, I can’t remember how I did it, but I used double-sided tape and made miniature note things and sold them for ten cents or whatever and I was creating value on something and when they came to my store and bought things it made me feel good about myself and my accomplishments and for me that showed me the value of work.


AW.COM: Do you still wake up precisely at 3:11 AM?

JD: Not as much. After I finished the book when those guys told me the certain time period I had to finish the book – once it was finished; I didn’t get it as much. Now I wake up at different times. Just lately I’ve been getting different messages to continue as I have three different books I’m working on. One of them actually is with another person, it’s a fiction book called “4 Overt 2 covert in 33 Days” with a woman who goes by the name of M.C.V. Egan, she wrote “The Bridge of Deaths” a documentary sort of book. It isn’t anything like what it sounds like from the title. But this new book is going to be very interesting – they’re both very different. The book that we’re making together is a fiction book; she’s very research oriented with facts and I’m more about the whimsical sort of side. I come from my heart with more things, or with information from the spirits, so we put both of those together and it’s going to be very interesting. We should be done with it around the end of March. I think it’s going to be on Amazon but we’re going to look for someone to publish it for us.


AW.COM: Do you remember your first encounter with Arch Angel Michael and what it was like and did it took you awhile to realize it was him?

JD: It took me awhile to realize that it was him. I always had energies come to me when I was little and I had several healing energies come to me and I couldn’t tell you if one of these was Arch Angel Michael at the time but I can tell you that one of them was Zora the Divine Healer from the Light and I knew her because I actually wasn’t feeling good and I lied down to kind of meditate and if someone would’ve walked in – they would’ve called 911 because I was convulsing – but it felt so good and when my body actually stopped I felt like she had healed me.


AW.COM: And how old were you when that happened?

JD: That time was only like eight years ago, but I’ve had several other occurrences where I knew there were very strong spirits there – but mostly Arch Angel Michael has been around now for sure in the last six or seven years. It took me awhile to figure out, after several ‘dream’ scenarios, why am I here, and then I saw Arch Angel Michael, the energy of him, and he told me to show them how to look at the light and that will help them and then they’d go up or wherever it was. He was teaching me how to show people to go toward the light.


AW.COM: When the spirits of the light come to you, does one come through at a time or do many of them come through at once?

JD: Most of the time it’s been a lot; for this book particularly, it’s been a lot of spirits at once. The spirits of the light are in the energy of close to thirty spirits at once, so it’s a lot.


AW.COM: The first time you realized you were clairaudient, how did it happen – did you hear your name whispered, or a sentence, did it happen slowly with you?

JD: I remember when I was a kid I’d always hear voices … I didn’t want to say I had an imaginary friend, but I guess I kind of did, because I was more afraid at that time then I was friendly with voices or feelings. But I feel like it just got clearer and clearer after college. I actually started trying to communicate with one my friends from high school who passed away in an accident. I started to communicate through a candle with him through the flame. I’d ask him if this was really him and I’d state his full name – yes would be flickering it once and flickering it twice would be no – when I asked yes or no questions. And from there, I’d make sure the air wasn’t blowing on it and make sure nothing was affecting it; and then I asked him something else, that wasn’t a yes or no question, and all of the sudden he took my fingers. I felt someone move my fingers and they were put into the hang loose sign because he used to surf. So from there I knew I was establishing communication and from there I started listening more, hearing, sensing and feeling things altogether more and seeing visions with my mind’s eye – like seeing movies. I would see things they were trying to express to me and vice-versa – but I started to hear after that – as another way of receiving information.


AW.COM: I think maybe until you’ve had an experience you may not believe – do you think this is true?

JD: Most people have an experience that opens their eyes a little bit and feel and sense things a little more and then they’ll understand a little more. In our society we’re used to having everything we see as being proof so when you can’t see it – and that’s another thing – doctor’s should really learn about energy, I’m sure some of them do, but most of them don’t, and that’s one of my beefs – because to me they should be teaching them in medical school energy healing, and also how to read energy but not necessarily healing through energy, unless they’re a specialist in something obviously and they’re doing just knees, that’s a different story, but if they’re an overall medical doctor, or practitioner, they should know about energy because it will help direct them in the right way. Most of them are taught to identify a medical issue through an x-ray or cat scan – there’s a cut here or a movement there, they don’t look at energetic, they look at physical.


AW.COM: The most important question a person is asked in a job interview is if they can multi-task and how many things can you do at once. Is this good or bad for us?

JD: I feel that multi-tasking is good to a point. But I feel that back in the old days there was a blacksmith and a doctor – everybody was more equal because everybody needed the blacksmith as much as the doctor – so everybody respected each other and their skills. In today’s world society makes us think we have to be able to do so many things on a daily basis just to get through life. And everybody is getting burned out because we’re trying to do five different things at once.


AW.COM: Do all of your family members support you and/or believe in what you do?

JD: I have one sister who is about a year and a couple of months older than me. Her name is Gillian, she lives in West Palm – and she’s more book smart, she works with computers – so she flies different places during computer work; my mom and dad are together and they live half the year in Philadelphia and half the year in Boca and they all support me. My parents always told me that I should do whatever makes me happy.  As long as I’m happy they’re happy. They always told me that when I was a little kid. My husband Bradley Kern also supports me and he also does computer work. He works for a company as a project manager but he loves all the interesting things I do. He does believe – he still gets amazed by things just as I do.


AW.COM: It’s interesting that your husband is a computer specialist considering the experience you had with your word processor taking over and typing line after line the same though (see pg. 198-200 in her book THE 2nd SHIFT) for forty-six pages until you asked him to help you stop it.

JD: I thought I had a message wrong and couldn’t figure out what was happening – but when he couldn’t turn if off – I knew I had gotten wrong information. My eyes couldn’t move fast enough to follow it. They were teaching me how to get information correctly


AW.COM: Do you ever have people come into your store who are very skeptical?

JD: I do. It’s funny – they’ll walk in either because someone brought them in or they were drawn here. I had one man … I put down all the mandalas from my card deck and right away he told me that he didn’t believe in this hocus pocus and I told him that was cool, but if he wanted to humor himself – that he should just pick out three cards. So he picked his three cards and I let him read the back of each one on his own and his eyes kept getting bigger and bigger. He wanted to know how they could be right. He told me that each card must have something on it that pertains to everybody. I said to him ‘oh really’ – so I told him to pick with his intention being the opposite this time. So he picked them again and he said that card was for him and he still couldn’t believe it so he started flipping over all the cards, and each time he flipped one over he’d say, ‘not me, not me, not me’ and then he said, ‘okay, I think I’m starting to believe a little bit’ and I asked him if he knew what energy felt like and he said ‘energy – everyone knows energy’ and he gives me that pompous kind of stuff. So I told him to put his hand over the mandala and he did and he said, ‘it feels hot to me, it feels hot – I don’t know what’s going on here’ so he sort of scared himself a little bit. And he ended up staying here for three hours having tea, playing with the cards, asking questions and by the time he left I truly felt he believed. It was about energy – people just don’t understand energy because they can’t see it. As soon as I explained to him why the paintings were working with his energy, why he could feel and sense things in a different way he got it. I’m still friends with him today – he doesn’t come  in much because he lives a little far away – but I feel that he got the message he needed to get at that time in his life and I feel that helped him a lot get through some things and it helped him fit the puzzle together.


I’ve actually had people go into the room with me for private readings a total non-believer came in one day and someone came through who was deceased that they knew and I actually got the total whole name, which sometimes I don’t always get the full name but the feeling of the person, like a mother or someone, and this person told me what color car he had and what happened when they used to do things together. So when you get info like that it’s kind of hard for someone to not believe – so that’s the best way for someone to come through.


I had a 13-year-old come in with his mother yesterday, and he’s very scientific, and she wanted me to show him a little bit about energy and show him and do a little bit of a reading on him. So the first message I got for him was that he’s a little nervous because his mom is here but he feels comfortable because she’s here and that he is a little leery about me Jolie – doing the reading. So I asked him if one of his friends in school likes the same girl as he does. He looked at me and said, ‘oh … ah … how … mom … how … mom’ – so that sort of broke the ice a little bit. I tried to explain to him a little bit about what energy means and that I can tune in and hear things like a radio only in different frequencies and so he started to understand a little bit more and it was neat. Sometimes when I talk to people and they only understand scientific I talk about the aura first because it’s a scientific fact that we all have electromagnetic fields and then I go into talking about energy from this viewpoint.


AW.COM: When was the first time Galileo came through to you?

JD: The first time I think it was 2011 and he was telling me stuff about the moons (see pages 221-224 in her book THE 2ND SHIFT) and things I didn’t know about he’s the one along with some other spirits about the shift awakening so his information. When you use someone who has scientific information it’s kind of interesting because when I get messages from them I know it’s not me because I don’t know these big terms. When I get information about parallels and shifts it leads me to believe that Einstein’s soul was definitely living in several places at once because the information he was getting was from all over these different parallels. I believe that even on earth dimension, when I say earth dimension 2013 that year – I believe there’s other levels – I don’t know how to say in earth dimension 2013.


AW.COM: After reading your book (THE 2ND SHIFT), although it’s been something that I’ve been thinking a great deal about over the last few years, it seems to me as if there are four universes, within each universe there’s seven dimensions and within each dimensions there’s two parallel worlds. But I don’t know if this is right.

JD: I’ve gotten a lot of information about this concept and I’m still trying to clarify more about the parallels because that’s what the book I’m finishing up is about; because there’s so much – we don’t have words in the human language to describe half of the things they’re telling me so they’re trying to show me – just like in the back of the book – remember about that football game – they’re trying so show me in our terms how to understand it because there is no time in other dimensions. We created the clock in this dimension. The clock to us is what we made time – to them, some of the other dimensions do have some form of time, but it’s not the same time we have. Just like how ancient people looked at the moon and the sun for the time – or moments of life. So that’s the hard part in explaining parallels and everything else.


AW.COM: People are really intimidated by this idea.

JD: Well, the fear of the unknown makes it difficult for people to understand it all. Working with this other woman – like I told you – ours has a little twist about something in their dealing with dimensions, and more. 


AW.COM: Can you clarify what you mean when you write that there are certain levels of vibrancy? Is this on all the dimensions or just earth time?

JD: It’s in all the dimensions on all levels. So basically right now we have a vibration between us and each separately. We all have vibrations so if you’re really happy and excited you’re on a higher vibration than someone who is just happy. If someone is sad or depressed that’s a lower vibration. We can measure it as far as happiness, feelings, thoughts – because thoughts are energy – and all of that becomes vibrations. So whether it comes out of our mouth or not it’s vibrations – it’s still energy. There are also vibrations if I want to say wholealities – if you’re saying the whole earth has a different vibration than a different planet in another atmosphere.


AW.COM: Is wholealities a word? I love it.

JD: I think I just made it up.

AW.COM: Yay – you made up a new word. We’ve got to get that out there.

JD: So for me it wouldn’t be like we can say galaxy – right – so the wholealities of each separate galaxy would be different.

AW.COM: So is each galaxy a universe?

JD: I feel that – they’re telling me right now – that there are four.

AW.COM: Four universes?

JD: Yah, but there’s so many different levels and so many different dimensions  – levels are different than dimensions even – it gets very complicated; that’s why they’re trying to show me so many different words that we can use to understand it because it’s very hard. If I can draw a picture of it in my mind I can probably do that better than I can explain it. But there’s so much energy out there that’s different than ours and that’s why I can hear things or you can hear things because we’re on different vibrations. It’s all about tuning into different vibrations. So if I were drunk, which is negative, that’s distorted energy, I wouldn’t be able to tune in. I might still be able to hear things but it’s not coming from high vibrations from a better positive place but low vibrations – it’s coming from a negative place. I always feel that the ones who on higher vibrations whether there’s different energies – so let’s just say like earth in earth’s atmosphere – there’s people on earth that are high vibration, low vibration and middle/null – they’re all different, so as a whole that energy can be calculated in some way – so earth right now is kind of a little bit on the nugatory side as a whole – so what all these energies are trying to do is lift everyone up on higher vibrations because our earth in our atmosphere effects everything else. Our energy is affecting different universes, dimensions – everything; it’s almost like if part of your physical body is breaking down and you’re sick all the white blood cells are going there to help you out, I wonder why we call them white blood cells, right, so it’s the light coming to help heal.


AW.COM: What is Light Tunnel Energy?

JD: Light Tunnel Energy is a way of spiritually teaching me how to use healing energy, like Reiki, although it’s a little different because I use the mandalas and I also use crystals and a little bit of shamanism. That’s all the stuff they taught me and they told me to call is Light Tunnel Healing just like someone would call Reiki, Reiki, so that’s what that is. I’m writing the manual on how to teach it will be done in a few months.


AW.COM: Have you started painting the mandalas for children yet?

JD: No. (laughs) Everyone keeps asking me about it. I’m  actually doing research right now with some kids that do come in because I get a lot of kids that have been diagnosed with ADD but I actually believe they’re just hearing voices {spiritual – not due to any particular type of mental illness} and I do feel like I’ll be working more with kids in that respect – but it’s also because you’re the fourth person who has asked me in the last few weeks and I’ve been receiving messages that it’s almost time to do it now and that’s why I was laughing … but they’re getting me ready for that …

AW.COM: Do you think they’ll contact you in the middle of the night like before – or during the day?

JD: I’m not sure yet. I don’t care when they contact me. When the time is ready – I’ll do it. I feel that some of those days I painted the other mandalas were very important days for whatever our atmosphere our energy is so like I said – we’ve made up time and calendars and all that and it has something with why and when.


AW.COM: Can you explain déjà vu?

JD: I believe strongly that déjà vu means that we’re in more than one place at one; your soul is at different dimensions or levels at the same time. Sometimes when you’re realizing OMG I’m having déjà vu and you never been there it’s because you really are there at some point in your life your soul has been there and you recognize it through energy. You recognize the things you feel and sense. A lot of people are seeing things and getting very scary dreams and we’re seeing them because they’re trying to help us prepare but it’s also happening on another level of earth dimension. We’re having more premonitions – seeing things on a different level – whether it’s from the future or from the past – it’s a very interesting time; most people are getting future. It’s almost like they’re warning us. But there’s always going to be life. We never really die anyway. Our energy never dies.


AW.COM: Is there any type of ritual you have to do to prepare yourself to receive messages?

JD: Not from them – they usually just come – the only time I ever do any sort of ritual is when I’m clearing my energy or when I’m doing a session with a client because I always want to open up and close up a store – is what I say – I always have my opening prayer and I always do my closing prayer in gratitude.


AW.COM: I love how you lay out the prayers and intentions in your both of your adult books because I think it’ll help so many people.

JD: I think it’s very important for people to know that and it’s also important for people in manifesting things that they put in – I would say – we should put in longitude and latitude but that would be too hard so we have to say earth dimension – and because it’s more about them helping us the more information we can give them the better.


AW.COM: And to reference Oprah Winfrey’s show Super Soul Sunday – again – there was a gentleman on one particular episode who said that ‘life doesn’t happen to us – it happens for us’ what you think of this statement?

JD: I think he’s absolutely correct. Some people – when they get sick – let’s say they get diagnosed with something that maybe can be life threatening they decide …  you see those people that fight and they want to live they have the will – and then there’s other people that just give up – sometimes they think it’s too hard or whatever so they decide to let go; it’s the same thing as they told me as I saw myself living to 51-years-old – they told me however that I have a choice and if I want to change it – I can.



AW.COM: Yes, I want to ask you about that … because when I read it in your book I thought NO – you cannot be dying in a few years – I’m getting to know you. Do you want to change this path?

JD: As for me, right now, I do want to go at that time … but you may ask me when I’m fifty-one and I may change my mind.

AW.COM: I was told that I’m going to depart this life when I’m fifty-seven-years old and I do not want to go at this age.

JD: So you have to say that that’s not going to happen, you change it; so don’t say you don’t want it … because they don’t hear the negative … if you say I don’t want to die … they hear I want to die … so you have to say I want to continue to live. So, the same thing for me – right now I feel like I’ll be able to accomplish everything I’ll need to accomplish by that time – and what I’m here for; so …

AW.COM: How old are you now – can I ask?

JD: I’m forty-two. I have eight years left, my favorite number – eight. And I think you will continue. I think you have a void in your life and you haven’t filled it yet and when you fill it you’ll change the energy of that and it may be your full-length spiritual play you’re writing right now.


AW.COM: When you feel that that’s going to be your time and you don’t want to change it why do you feel that way?

JD: For me, I don’t necessarily feel like I have any voids in my life. I feel whole and I feel like everything that I’m doing since I felt that way – since I got that information for that book. I’m half in my own life right now because spirits come through me to help me talk to other people as a messenger or as a conduit of healing – so that’s more than eight hours a day of doing that – it’s not exhausting at all.  But I’m really Jolie for half of my life really now and I’m okay with that because it’s just the full of me anyway, the energy of me, taking on that identity. So for me I feel like I will fulfill everything I need to in order to help other people. Like all the information I’m meant to give that they’re channeling through me is going to be established by that time.


AW.COM: So what I’m concerned about is when natural disasters – as it’s being predicted by weather experts – continue to happen more often – I think the world needs someone like you to help us get through them all.

JD: There will be many coming together in the next eight years – so many people who want to help – and so many energies from the light who are channeling through people now that there’s always going to be life as humans surviving here.


AW.COM: You better come to me.

JD: I will. Believe me. I’ll be coming to a lot of people. But the energy is going to be shifted so that’s why we’re trying so hard right now to shift it – to be more positive. I believe we’re going to be very successful in that – but people have to know and that’s why they’re choosing people {the spirits from the light} to talk to other people to write books. Just think of how many people are writing books and look at all these healing modalities now that are available it’s because we’re trying to reach as many people as we can so when this happens everybody will know what to do.  For me, I feel like they’re going to be sending me on to another mission and that I’ll be contacting people here because we’re all going to be telepathic by then; I feel very strongly that the vibrations are changing and we’re going to have to be telepathic. There will always be human survivors, there will always be life in that way as humans – and the telepathic stuff is also going to be for people that we call the seers to humans but humans to humans. Think about cell phones and the way we use cell phones now so it’s not going to be needed because I’m going to be able to just shoot you a message. It’s already starting to happen. We’re always very intuitive but it’s almost like the cell phones are practice for us because when we don’t have them anymore – when there’s going to be a total blackout –instead of people panicking, we’re going to start using our skills. And our skills are going to be able to concentrate so we can communicate telepathically.


AW.COM: I’d like to talk about EROM – but I don’t want to give anything away – because I want people to read your books; so I’m going to ask you when was your first encounter Zora the Divine Healer from the Light?

JD: One of my intuitive friends said to me – we used to split a space way before here, ‘Jolie, there’s this woman in your house’ and she’s never been to my house. She said, ‘do you have like an old piece of furniture that’s made out of old wood but really nice’ – and I said ‘yah’ because the furniture in my bedroom was built in the ‘20s. She said there’s a spirit there … and I asked her if it was positive or negative and she said she couldn’t get positive or negative out of it. She told me just to go there and call it out. So I went home and I went behind the big dresser and my friend described my dresser like it would be and I said, ‘who’s here – who are you’ and then she came out and said, ‘I’m Zora the Divine Healer from the Light and I’m here to help you’. That same day my dog got really sick and she said ‘put your hands over him – I’ll show you how’. So I put my hands over the dog – we were ready to take him to the hospital – and it was maybe like twenty minutes later and he was fine and that was before I knew Reiki. She is this beautiful spirit that comes in and heals and she shows me things. I told my friend her name is Zora – and who she was and she was like ‘oh goodie – you got to see her’ – and she was literally, I felt her energy, hiding behind the furniture because she wasn’t sure if I was ready or not to communicate with her.


AW.COM: The recent meteor that crashed through the atmosphere in Russia – do you think that’s a sign or signal of some sort?


JOLIE CLOSES HER EYES for a moment and gets a message.


JD: Being told that it’s a sign …


CLOSES HER EYES again for a little longer.


JD: They’re just showing me that there’s just presence elsewhere. I feel like a lot of people believe and know scientifically that there’s other things out there in the atmosphere but like – I want to say – in landing – in bringing it – that they need for more people to know that there’s presence other than here and that it’s kinda like – remember what I was saying before … our energy on the earth affects everyone else’s energy that exists and it’s like we exist – and it’s in your face, ‘see this – there’s more energy out there than your little minds are thinking right now and everything about us is me, me, me. And I feel like that space needed another wake up call. A lot of things that are going to happen with these occurrences that we’re not going to see as positive are happening as a wake up call. People should realize – like I wrote in my blog – that Hurricane Sandy – that happened because they’re trying to prepare us, they’re saying ‘hey, listen start coming together instead of stealing from each other when this happens’.  So now we know what to do, what’s the protocol. We know about it down here in Florida because we’ve had a million of them – but they had no clue, so now they know what to do. It’s about respecting your life because these random things are going to happen and if you happen to be there when it does – if you weren’t being happy up until then – you wasted precious time and it’s trying to wake people up about life and that it doesn’t have to be all about work. I still believe very strongly that our work should be the opposite of what it is to most people. We should love our work – like we would like to relax on the beach – then life would be a lot better for everybody and nobody would be stressed out because everyone would love what they do. But we’ve made it all ass-backwards.


AW.COM: I know there’s more to discuss, such as Atlantis – but people can read your books to find out about it – is there anything else you’d like to add?

JD: I always tell people if the energy feels good when you hear the voice then listen to it; if it feels negative, don’t listen to it. It doesn’t mean the message was negative – it may sound negative – but take a minute to listen to it – and you’ll be able to learn how to tell the difference. My goal is to reach as many people as I can and to teach people about energy and how to use it and I feel that once everybody can understand that they will live on a higher vibration.


You can learn more about Jolie and the services she offers by going to the website The shop is located in East Boca Raton at 26th SE 4th Street, 33432 (across from Palm Plaza);  just south of Palmetto Park Road and just off of Federal Highway. You can call for an appointment: 561-901-5808. Jolie DeMarco can be scheduled as a Guest Speaker at your Spa, Wellness Center, or spiritual store. She’s also available for speaking engagements and events out of state.  She has taught her modalities of healing energy along with crystals, gemstones and several subjects of past and parallel lives small and large groups. Jolie often presents FREE workshops. Her email address is: [email protected]. Her books are available at My Flora Aura or on


And one final thought, Jolie’s interpretation of the word life in acrostic form as told to her by spirits of the light is as follows:




F-Forms of Soul



So go out and have a good life!




Marla E. SchwartzMarla E. Schwartz is a Senior Writer for Miami Living magazine and a freelance writer for Lighthouse Point magazine and Her photographs have appeared in these publications as well as the Miami Herald, the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post. Her play, HOLD ONTO YOUR DREAMS was recently produced in Miami at New Theatre’s 1-Acts Festival Winter Session and her  play BRUNCH SOON was recently co-produced by White Rose Miami and the Performing Arts Exchange. Her play, America’s Working? was produced in Los Angeles at the First Stage and Lone Star Ensemble theater companies, in Florida at Lynn University and then Off-Broadway. Her script, The Lunch Time Café, was a Heideman Award Finalist, Actors Theatre of Louisville. She’s a member of The Dramatist’s Guild of America and the South Florida Theatre League. You can contact email her at [email protected]. Please follow her on twitter @MarParLa.