May, 2009 – Astrology at Work in your Life

by Karola Crawford


May 2009

Happy Birthday to Aries! Your ruler is Mars, the planet of uncontainable energy that must find an outlet.  You are the initiator of action and self-expression and show initiative, courage and impulsiveness.  In the Natal chart, wherever Mars is located is where the action to that particular area of life is waiting to happen.  A Natal chart is composed of 12 houses, each indicating a different area of life.  The first house is dedicated to Aries and Mars, and indicates the drive to get things accomplished, and the starting of many new projects.  This is not by itself any indication of whether these projects are ever completed.  A different area of the chart would show that for the individual person, however, a great deal of spark and enthusiasm is indicated by the area that Mars rules.  Mars also makes people independent and headstrong and can lead to success if some scrutiny is utilized and thinking takes place before action is launched. 


   Aries – You have the planet Venus on your side this month and this greatly increases your charm and social abilities.  The home front will be active for you and you may find yourself engaged there more than even you can anticipate.  Celebrate life for all its worth.


   Taurus – You may have more projects going after the beginning of the month and the full moon on the 20th may highlight some new creative pursuit.  You are good at finishing what you started.


   Gemini – The beginning of the month may find you busy starting new projects and using that beautiful voice of yours to charm your circle of friends.  The second half of the month is better for revisiting the old and true.


   Cancer – You have a sudden burst of energy lately and are starting new endeavors.  Make the most of it and don’t put things off this month.  Gifts are not to be taken for granted so charge forward.


   Leo – Your quiet but fiery nature likes predictability and you have had your share of unpredictable events lately.  This month won’t be any different, so go with the flow even though it goes against your nature.  You may find something brand new to love.


   Virgo – If you find yourself rethinking the structures in your life, wait until next month to act.  Use this time to research possible changes only. 


   Libra – All those sensitive and confusing issues that you have been thinking about will be resolved after the first week of this month, and action will then be your key word.


   Scorpio – The full moon on the 20th will highly accentuate an important part of your life.  Keep emotions on an even keel and exercise to stay focused calmly.


   Sagittarius – You are quite organized lately and this trend will continue for this month as well.  Use the time wisely to consolidate investments and put wheels under your dreams.


   Capricorn – With Pluto in your sign, major changes will be coming down the road.  Your stable nature may be a bit more gregarious this month, and it is quite all right to throw some caution to the wind. 


   Aquarius – Some areas of life that you have taken for granted have slowly eroded away, but since no voids take place in nature, they are being replaced with new activities.  Enjoy the excitement of discovery.


   Pisces – Sudden changes may not be what you were anticipating, but your world is exciting these days and even you couldn’t have dreamt up all this action.  Relax and go with it, but use some discretion and boundaries.

 Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at