May, 2009 – My Next Step


TEEN TALKHeidi Thorpe

by Heidi Thorpe


My Next Step


Now that high school is coming to a much-anticipated end for me, college appears to be my next step. I don’t know where it will lead me or what the steps are post-college; however, I am thoroughly excited to begin a new chapter of my life. Come August 21st, I will be calling UCF my new home. I will be sharing a room with someone whom I have never met, in a place I’m not familiar with, unaware of what I actually want to be. I should be terrified. I’m not. All of the puzzle pieces will fit together in the end and with a new home and new beginning, new friends are inevitable and memories will be made that I can hold onto for the rest of my life.



I am going to be the little bird flying from its nest for the first time. No more home-cooked meals. I will be responsible for feeding myself. I will be directly responsible for every choice I make. Studying over partying over sleeping. Everything will be up to me. Basically, I’ll be tossed into the deep abyss of the real world, expected to take care of myself. Survival of the fittest. Okay I must admit, I’m just a tad scared. But there will be no turning back. If I make the right choices, while maintaining a fulfilling social calendar, the incentives are endless. I can’t wait.