May, 2010 – Break Time for Nursing Mothers


Good News for New Mothers!

New Federal Law Mandates Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act recently signed into law includes an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act entitled “Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers,” which requires employers to provide reasonable break time to employees who are nursing mothers to express breast milk for their infants for 1 year after the child’s birth (each time such employee has the need to express the milk). The new law also requires employers  to make reasonable efforts to provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from co-workers and the public (e.g., a lockable door and blinds or curtains if applicable), which may be used by an employee to express breast milk. This new law went into effect on March 23, 2010 when the President signed the bill.


Palm Beach Baby can provide new mothers with the resources needed to successfully continue to provide breastmilk for baby after returning to work. Gina Johnson RN, CIMI, IBCLC @ Palm Beach Baby can provide prenatal education and consultation both before and after giving birth. Gina Johnson is an outreach provider for the Business Case for Breastfeeding, and can present the Business Case for Breastfeeding to your employer and provide assistance to develop a Worksite Lactation Program. Palm Beach Baby can provide telephone support for breastfeeding women during maternity leave, return-to-work consultation and ongoing support. Please call if you have any questions about this new law or we can help you transition back into the workplace.


Gina Johnson RN, CIMI, IBCLC

@Palm Beach Baby, LLC

150 Monterey Way

Royal Palm Beach, Fl 3411




For more information about the Business Case for Breastfeeding checkout our website and click on links.