May, 2010 – Cardinal Newman’s Key Club “Makes a Difference”


For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                                     

Contact Mary Martens

At 561-644-5489



Cardinal Newman High School Key Club “Make a Difference”


The Cardinal Newman High School Key Club Members are still going strong “making a difference” within our Community as the 2009-2010 school year comes to a close:

CNHS Students and Key Club Teens were seen on Singer Island last Saturday- 35 teens from high schools in the area met at Singer Island for beach clean-up and picnic.  Several teens from Newman were there having a wonderful time doing their service and meeting leaders from other high school programs.  These division meetings encourage our teens to get to know outstanding teens from other schools. 


Key Club starts a new year in May of 2010 and projects like this make a difference in their leadership skills and in social communication.  Saturday, May 22nd, several are going to volunteer at the Golf Tournament hosted by the Westside Kiwanians.  



CNHS Freshmen in New Testament, Room 212, are finishing their course in New Testament. The final chapter has a challenge to do something specific for others to prove how much Christians really care.  First, Ms Lewis invited Ms Kate Killian, as a guest speaker.  Ms Killian’s dad is a dentist who has specialized in surgery. He and his wife travel to poor countries to volunteer health care for children who are born with cleft palets.

Their team supports a branch of OPERATION SMILE.  The freshmen are collecting money to contribute to the much needed hospital in one of the villages the Killian’s support.