May, 2010 – Health & Fitness


Health & FitnessCheryl Alker




By Cheryl Alker


Continuing with our dissection of the definition of physical fitness we are, in this article, giving you valuable information on muscular fitness.  This aspect of fitness is actually a combination of muscular strength and muscular endurance.


Muscular strength is defined by the ability to exert maximum force in one effort.  For example, the ability to lift an object one time.


Muscular endurance is the muscles ability to make repeated efforts.


Improving your muscular strength and endurance helps you maintain or increase bone mass (reducing the risk of osteoporosis), reduces body fat, reduce blood pressure, improve your lipid profile and control your blood glucose.  So it is definitely worth knowing a little more about improving muscular strength and endurance and incorporating into your fitness routine.  In fact, surveys show that a large segment of the U.S. population lacks muscular fitness.  In 1990, the American College of Sports Medicine added strength training to its list of exercise guidelines, recommending that people do at least two sessions a week.


How to Improve Muscular Strength & Endurance  


Ø      When lifting weights or using resistance exercise equipment, ensure that the contractions of your muscles are rhythmic.

Ø      Move slowly and with control; take at least four seconds for each movement.

Ø      Move the limb through its entire range of motion.

Ø      Breathe normally while you lift.  Holding your breath can cause your blood pressure to rise.  Breathe out when you are doing the most strenuous part of the exercise. Weight train on days when you are not doing hard aerobic workouts.

Ø      Allow at least one day between weight training sessions to let your muscles recover.  Proper recovery will help you build strength faster.

Ø      To train for pure strength you should only be able to lift the weight one time; however, 1 to 4 repetitions would be acceptable.

Ø      To train for muscular endurance you should be able to lift the weight 8 to 12 times.

Ø      Work to overload.  Lifting a weight that is so light you could make 20 to 30 repetitions will not deliver the results you desire. 


(This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Around Wellington, the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.)


Cheryl Alker specializes in flexibility training, core strength and postural alignment, working with a select clientele across Palm Beach County. Her company, Stretch Results International, certifies health professionals in her results-based stretching program, educates consumers through public speaking and offers private or class consultations to clients who wish to lose their muscular pain and gain flexibility to achieve full and active lifestyles. For more information, please call Cheryl at (561) 889-3738 or visit