May, 2012 – Peace Photo Competition…Open to All


The Rotary Club of Wellington Photographic Competition Open to All

Each year The Rotary Club of Wellington, as part of its Peace Initiative Program holds various competitions within area schools and organizations. These include Poster, Poetry, Essay and scout merit badge competitions.

A key competition is also in photography, where participants are asked to submit a black and white or color photograph depicting an image that represents “multi-cultural understanding” or “conflict resolution” as it applies to world peace.

Usually the local schools photographic classes and clubs take part. While they will again compete this year, the Rotary Club is inviting any local amateur or professional photographer to compete as well.

The photograph can be still life or live action shot. All photographs should be 8.5X11 and mounted on a standard display frame. Names and contact details should appear on the rear of each submission. The competition runs through Friday, Sept. 7th. The winners will be chosen and announced the following week by the Rotary Club Peace Initiative Committee. Prizes will be awarded at the Rotary Club Peace Day Celebration on the evening of Friday Sept.21st at the Rotary Peace Park on Fern Drive near the main library. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be $150. $100. $50 respectively. The winning photographs will be on display at the event and along with some honorable mentioned photos will then be shown at various local public spaces over the following weeks.

For further information and submission of photographs please contact Larry Kemp. Rotary Club of Wellington Peace Committee at

Everyone is invited to compete in this area wide competition. Get out those cameras!